Author's Note

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Hello everyone,

This is Paige. Bel has asked me for a little favour and although very busy myself with everything that is going on, I couldn't say no. I know you'll be very happy about this. Instead of updating a new chapter she's decided to let me tell you all what is going on.

First: Can you see the multimedia? That's a book cover and yes, it is an upcoming book. It is a prequel to what you are currently reading. It will tell that painful story of mine before I met James. It'll be short and very heartbreaking... I don't remember much what happened, just what I felt, but Bel is making sure to find out and let you all know in hopes it'll help against bullying.

Second: Bel has her graduation exam this Friday, 5th of June. She will defend her final research project and finally receive her graduation certificate. Henceforth, as she will be extremely busy dealing with that (she already is) she won't be able to update for the rest of the week. She is very sorry, don't be angry at her, but this is important and she hopes you can understand.

Third, Wattpad has invited her to visit Wattpad HQ next week so she's flying to Canada! Isn't that great? She's been freaking out for a month already. But for this reason, she isn't sure if she'll be able to update from there because her itinerary is quite full and exciting but she'll try. If not, she'll send James to tell you how things are going and maybe about another book *winks*

Hoping you understand why there won't be updates this week and are happy about the other news,

Peace out!


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