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The next morning, they've got another free day thanks to management. They'd have gone to dance and vocal practice, but they won't refuse an offer for a 'bonding'-day, as their boss called it in that short text message. Seems everyone in the company was rooting for them to become a BTS pack.

At breakfast everyone but Jeongguk and Yoongi sit and talk about the past day's events, as the latter two are still cuddled up in the alpha's bed.

"Guys, this is crazy... Yoongi-hyung's actually... doing this with us." Jimin speaks slowly while getting a refill of orange juice. They talked about having a pack often, without Yoongi as it made him uncomfortable, and the thought that their alpha will actually be joining them is pretty reassuring. Okay, it's the best thing that's happened to them since they met each other.
Namjoon smiles serenely from his seat, putting his phone down. "Yeah... I still can't believe how lucky we got with Yoongi-hyung. Also, please tell me I didn't dream yesterday's... happenings." he looks around the room with a giant smirk on his face, which Taehyung returns. "Hyung, I will gladly be your witness. No, everything actually happened, it wasn't just a heat dream. Hyung actually let us in, and he's so submissive and cute... and for an alpha even... it's really unreal. I'm getting worked up just thinking about it. Also I snapped a quick pic of him cuddling up to Kookie in his bed like twenty minutes ago, it's now my screensaver." the younger omega proudly proclaims.

Seokjin just rolls his eyes and blows on his hot tea, then goes to making more breakfast food for the kids. Well, they're hardly kids, especially after yesterday, but a hyung can dream.

"Just don't overwhelm Yoongi, please. Most of his boldness yesterday could have been the rut speaking. He might be embarrassed now, so tread carefully." Seokjin says wisely, Hoseok nodding.

"But guys, I almost didn't do anything with him. So next time, it's my turn. And I'm not talking about next rut but about next time he's horny, whenever that'll happen." the lead dancer looks around the room, making extra strict eye contact with Taehyung, that little horny fucker.

"Okay, Hobi, it does seem unfair. But! Did you catch up to how he was always like... holding onto you and stuff? He really trusts you." Seokjin answers yet again.

"Who trusts you?" it's the alpha's groggy voice that has everyone turning their heads to the kitchen's entrance and seeing a puffy Yoongi with a nest for hair and wrapped in a big blanket that's definitely Jeongguk's. "Kook is in the shower, smells good..." he mutters, sniffing the air a little and dabbing at his eyes a little to get the sleepiness off. And Seokjin can't look away. Yoongi looks so delicate, so... cute, he just wants to take his cheeks and squish them. He readies a plate of English breakfast for Yoongi instead. "Yeah. I made breakfast, sleeping beauty. Jeongguk's is ready, too. How'd you sleep?" he asks while bringing the plate to the table and pouring the alpha a glass of coffee.

"I... fine... I went to take a bath in the night and Jeongguk joined me..." Yoongi doesn't know why he said that. Everyone's silent. "Nice. Did you like it?" Tae is the first to break the not quite uncomfortable, but more of a surprised silence.

"Y-Yeah... I liked it... listen, guys." the small rapper starts, everyone perking up even more now and giving him their full attention. He feels himself blush lightly. "I... I meant everything I said yesterday. And Jeongguk and I had a talk in the bathroom... and... I want to say that I love you all." he lowered his head even before the word love left his mouth. But he keeps talking with his eyes on the ground. "I want us to be a pack, and I want to be your alpha and... I want to mark you. And make it official." he finishes. He needs to put his embarrassment aside and be a man, he needs to make his pack... his pack. Everyone's been waiting for him to.

"That's fantastic news, hyung." Namjoon pipes up once Yoongi's finished. "We were just... talking about it. We're all in, and once Kookie's done showering I'm sure he'll say the same. You wanna do it today?" he asks carefully.

Yoongi nods his head. He's wanted it for forever, just not knowing it. But hearing it made him realize it's the right thing. They're his family. It's time. "Breakfast first. Marking later." Seokjin tuts. Taehyung jumps on Jimin's lap to try and feed him in his eagerness and Hoseok makes a quick escape to his room to call and inform his parents and sister.

When they're done with breakfast and all in the living room Namjoon tells them his plan as group leader. "So, I don't think it'll be a good idea to just bite us all one after another because I read that you react in different ways to marking. It's safest if you do it with some time between, like half the pack today and half of it tomorrow maybe? Maybe I can get another free day out of management." he says, looking around to see everyone begin to nod slowly, Yoongi first. Taehyung then speaks up, "and I read that it's most intimate when it happens during mating. Marking when mating." he reiterates what he's seen on the internet so often.

Yoongi sports a light blush but nods either way. He'd love to, really, but he's still a little ashamed of the dizzying role reversals during the sex they've had so far.

"So I guess that means I'll go first." Hoseok mumbles, looking distractedly at the TV and then snapping out of it, flashing a bright grin Yoongi's way and sprinting to his room without a word. Yoongi and the rest just look after him confusedly. "Are you coming, kitten?" is heard from Hoseok's room with the opened door, it seems like he's looking for something. Yoongi curses under his breath as his dick is giving signs of life at that nickname.

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