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A few years later, Wooyoung was no longer the scrawny boy he used to be and although he was shorter than Youngbin, he was now evidently taller than Yoojin, which he liked to tease her about. He had even become more handsome, attracting many girls. It was currently the day of Yoojin's 15th birthday and their last year of middle school. The night before, she had spent it with her twin and Seokdae.

"And then after eating BBQ, we'll go to coin karaoke," Yoojin's friend, Eunhye, was explaining excitedly.

She was a typical planner who liked everything to be neat, especially her jet-black hair and bangs. Yoojin nodded, only half-listening as she habitually played with the ends of her dark hair, which now almost reached her hips. They were at school, sitting at a wooden table outside for lunch. Next to Yoojin was their other friend, Huiyeon – a tall girl with a small face and long, wavy hair that was a gentle chestnut shade. As usual, she was absorbed with her phone.

"Yoojin, your boyfriend won another fight last night," Huiyeon said teasingly.

She showed Yoojin her phone, which was playing a recorded video from a boxing ring fight that was live yesterday. Yoojin sighed. Last month, she found out that Wooyoung had started fighting broadcasts since last year. She was already worried when he started learning boxing, but now she was more worried. Even though she knew he had grown stronger, she couldn't help but feel responsible for his hobby and resulting injuries. She didn't want him to get hurt. Yoojin had asked him to stop and just get a normal part time job, but he said 'no'. Wooyoung got paid for beating other people up, so he found it convenient.

The birthday girl looked away from the video. She hated violence and most of all, she hated watching Wooyoung fight. So, whenever her classmates watched his live matches, she would turn away.

"He's not my boyfriend," Yoojin blushed. "Just my friend."

"Hey," Eunhye frowned, glaring at the pair. "Are you guys even listening to me?"

"Of course," Huiyeon said as she popped a chip into her mouth.

The table was covered with snacks for the joyous occasion, even though they were sure to splurge on more junk food later that night. The girls also decided to gift their presents at lunch. Yoojin received a pretty sketchbook from Eunhye and some make-up and hair accessories from Huiyeon.

"But don't forget, I have to leave at 8 tonight. Wooyoung wanted to see me," Yoojin told the girls.

"Boyfriend," Huiyeon sang with a grin, causing the other girl to whack her shoulder.

They all shared a laugh. Lunchtime quickly finished up after they gossiped about their classmates and their favourite dramas. The day went by and after school, they went to a Korean BBQ place for an early dinner. Their stomachs were full without regret and the next schedule followed: coin karaoke. They belted many songs and Yoojin let out her excitement, being louder than usual. The girls encouraged Yoojin to sing the last song and she instinctively chose 'Love Me' by BE'O, Wooyoung's favourite song. Even though she couldn't sing it well and didn't know all the lyrics, it didn't matter.

When it reached 8pm, Yoojin thanked her friends for the day, and they walked her to Wooyoung's house. It was dark but she felt safe with them, and they used a different route to avoid the alleyway they haunted her for many years.

Once they arrived, Eunhye and Huiyeon said goodbye and left. Yoojin knocked on the door, still in her school uniform with her backpack. The door opened to reveal Wooyoung, who was wearing black tracksuit pants and his favourite grey hoodie. He smiled softly and invited her in. She had been to his house many times and it often felt like a second home. Wooyoung's parents were out for the night until tomorrow afternoon, so the two kids went to the empty living room.

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