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"So we finally get to meet him," A elderly woman chuckles which brings the attention of a few more people. "Why have you been hiding him for so long?"

"He's here now, don't scare him." She replies before Adora sways past. "I'll be back."

Of course she's leaving.

"Young love huh, my first marriage I was 19, young and stupid." She continues, shaking her head. I stood there awkward, not really knowing what to say.

"Oh please, don't bore him with your failed marriage stories," Another lady says. "Do you want anything sweetheart?"

"I'm alright, thank you." I reply before finding a seat, switching from looking at Kehlani to the scene here.

"You keep staring at her, go ahead and talk to her damn." The old woman from before starts. Her voice was starting to irritate me.

"She's busy." I reply bluntly in hope to end the conversation.

"So you must be my cousin's fiancé, am I correct?" A tall, muscular ass man asks me. Nigga was about 6'8 and big as fuck.

"Yeah that's me, nice to meet you." I stood up to shake his hand and he reciprocated it. Besides him was about three other men.

"I'm Leonard, that's Duck and that's Q." He replies and I take a good look from both of them. Duck was about 16 and Q looked weirdly familiar. He was looking at me weirdly too.

"Duck is my little brother and Q is a childhood friend of ours." He introduces and I shake both of their hands but Q doesn't shake mine, he just walks off.

I don't take offence to it though.

"Don't take it personally, he's been having a crush on Kehlani since forever so that's probably him being petty." Leonard replies and I nod.

"I tried to book you for my 18th birthday but it said you were fully booked, why you always so busy?" Duck asks me causing me to chuckle.

"It's not me, it's my assistant that's in charged of all the bookings but if you tell Kehlani you want a shoot another time i'll do you one for free." I tell him.

"For real?" He asks me and I nod. "I appreciate that, thank you."

"No problem."

I turn and there is Q, talking to Kehlani and Adora. I needed to know who this nigga was and what his issue is.

And only Darrel could find that out for me.

She turns to me every few minutes to check if i'm still here since i've been sitting in this seat for the past twenty minutes that we've been here.

We were late yet the birthday girl wasn't even here and neither was her dad, just a few family members and her mom.

She's been talking to every single family member here and i've just been watching her every move. Not in a stalker-ish way but it's because it's the closest to talking to her that I can get.

"So you're the baby daddy?" A brown skin dude around 20 walks over, finding his seat next to me. I'm guessing he's the gay nigga Kieron told me about.

"Her fiancé and the father of her child maybe?" I correct him before he starts smiling.

"Forgive me, i'm Jordan and you're Amir," He introduces and I nod before shaking his hand. "So where's the baby?"

"He's too young, I didn't want him to meet all of you guys just yet." I tell him, leaning back in his seat.

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