Movie dates and Unexpected Pairings??

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(definitely expected by some of you bc im not sneaky)

On Friday at 4:30 pm, Ramona is on her bed, sprawled on her back. Briar's sitting on the floor, in front of the mirror. She gently dabs blush onto her cheek.

"Hey Romie, can you do some liner for me?" Ramona sighed, staring at the ceiling before getting up. She supposed it was time for her to start getting ready anyway. Beau was picking them up at 5, the movies starting at 6:30 but Briar was very strict about getting a good spot for the car. Sitting down next to Briar, Ramona quickly swiped two effortless lines of eyeliner over Briar's lash line, extending it only slightly past the corner of her eye.

"Is that what you're wearing?" Ramona nudged her head in the direction of Briar's black tank top and My Little Pony pajama pants. Standing up once again, Ramona began rummaging through her closet.

"Hey! I want to be comfortable. And besides it's not like I have your little lover boy to impres-" Briar's cut off by a t-shirt being thrown at her face. "You really have to stop throwing things at me when you don't want to hear what I'm saying." Briar said while dropping the shirt onto the ground, she leaned into the mirror, making sure the shirt hadn't smudged any of her makeup.

"I only do that when you're not telling the truth." At that Briar shoots her an unbelieving look. "Oh shut up"

"I didn't even say anything!" Briar responds while turning back to the mirror as she curls her lashes.

Ramona wasn't trying to impress Beau, why would Briar even think that? She picks out a pair of large blue flannel pants with WEHS printed across the ass and one of Lucas's WEHS basketball hoodies. Whilst not a huge fan of basketball herself, Ramona couldn't deny the unbelievable comfortability of the hoodie.

"You want to take one of my hoodies? It's gonna be way too cold for just that." Briar doesn't respond, only slyly grinning back at Ramona. Ramona didn't know what meticulous plan Briar had plotted, but she knew better than to ask. "Whatever, I guess.. Scoot over." Ramona butted Briar to the side with her hip so she could look into the mirror when she sat down.

Having gone barefaced to school, Ramona had a blank canvas to work with. She didn't want to plant any more unwanted ideas of wanting to impress Beau into Briar's

mind, so Ramona decided on simple makeup, nonetheless. Just a small wing, tight lining, and mascara. Ramona's hair was in two messy dutch braids that she had done during first period after finishing her work. She pulled out two face framing pieces, flatting them out in the mirror until they met her standards, and called it a day.

"I thought I told you to give me my hoodie back?" Ramona slowly drained her neck to look at the door, exaggeratingly rolling her eyes. Standing in her doorway was Lucas.

"It's comfortable!" Ramona retorted before checking her reflection again.

"Ok, whatever. I'm heading out, you two have fun." Before walking away he quickly adds, "But not too much fun!" Lucas runs to escape the flip flop that comes hurdling his way.

Briar stands up and stretches by extending her arms up above her head, her hands reaching for the ceiling while balled into tight fists. It's then that Ramona see's her phone light up. Quickly reading the notification she says, "He's here." She lets out a strained breath. "Let's go, Bri." Mentally Ramona Bell was not ready for the night. But physically she was okay. Unlike her best friend, Ramona was dressed accordingly for the cold weather. It was only October but the temperature in West Etteca was only dropping after August. To continue her rather warm outfit, Ramona pulled on her pair of Ugg minis when she reached the door.

Briar, on the other hand, only had the shoes she had worn there, her pair of white converse. Although after the solid three years she had been wearing them on a daily basis, they were more brownish yellow with a few specks of blue?

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