chapter 9

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Amara's POV

After eating, I decided to paint something. I remember asking for a drawing book and paint from my mother. I've never asked her anything my whole life. But ever since I tried painting in my old school, I've loved it.

So I tried my luck and asked her for it. Luckily she was in a good mood and bought me a small paint set after a week.
I've had it with me for 5 years. And I've been taking care of it dearly. It was the only thing I got out of my wish.

I took it out of the bag I brought from the house back in Canada. ( I think I didn't mention that she used to live in Canada before she came to live with her brothers)

The paint set had small butterflies on it, with pretty flowers too.

I sat on the floor and took out a paper from the drawing book. I held the paint brush in hand and dipped it into the black colour. I gave some strokes here and there.

I didn't actually know what to paint but I've always followed my gut whenever I paint and it always turned out good. I've never really shown any of those paintings to anyone. Those are not meant for anyone to see.

I've always felt relaxed whenever I paint. I was not allowed to cry, scream or be angry. So I always painted to flow out these emotions out of me. My paintings always expressed what I was or am feeling.

I was short on the paints and had only the general colours. So I took out the plastic bottle I kept under the bed and cut out a small piece of it using the cutter I had.

I flattened it as much as I could and dripped some paint on it. Mixing some of the colours to get a new colour. It was satisfying too.

I kept on painting with different colours hoping to get a piece of art that I could hold onto.


I don't know for how long I've been painting but I've finally finished it. I didn't rest my hand until I finished painting. Though it was tiring but it was worth it.

I was so absorbed in my drawing that I didn't notice that it was 7:15 already.

I took hold of my painting and admired it. It was a painting of a girl with long black hair, sitting on a bench looking up at the sunset with a smile on her face. Her face held genuine happiness. The slight wind was making her hair and yellow floral dress flutter making the painting realistic.

I smiled at the painting and kept it in the drawing book with the rest of them.

I was feeling lighter than before. It was relieving.

Painting was the only source of peacefulness back in that hell hole. At times they would break my hand, making me not able to draw anything.

I sat with my back on the side of the bed, reminiscing about my past. And how everything has changed.

A knock on the door broke me from my trance.

"Amara?" I looked at the door and saw sofia standing there with a smile on her face.

"Sofia?" I looked at her in surprise.

I ran to her and gave her a hug.

"Oh dearie! Did you miss me?" She said hugging me back and laughing. I nodded my head as I lifted my head and looked at her.

I asked,"Weren't you coming later? But you came so early."

"Looks like you don't miss me after all." She said faking tears as I giggled.

"Guess the emergency wasn't much of an emergency after all." She sighed.

"Oh! I came to tell you that Lorenzo is asking for you. He called the rest of them too. In the office." She said .

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