The painting

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"I'm trying my hardest"

I opened my eyes again..

"I know Izuku ... I know.."

Hitoshi's pov :

I knock on his door again waiting for a reply.
I stood outside his door for around a minute when he came out with red eyes. I stepped inside and noticed his bloody bandages... I asked him

"Izuku love, you can tell me anything.. why did you self harm again..?"

He stood there in shock looking me directly into my eyes before saying anything.


He said scared I was going to hit him or do anything to hurt him.

I had a tear dripping down my face knowing that if this was Izuku he would have done anything to make me smile without failing..

"I love you..I love you so much please don't do this I'll help you to quit.. please I love you I'd do anything for you"
I said my face now overflowing.

Izukus pov :

My eyes opened in shock I didn't mean for Hitoshi to be hurt.. I only did this so I could punish myself. I really am a burden.. I couldn't do anything right can I? Psh what was I thinking? I thought that hurting myself would do others good with me not being here.. well I'm not wrong they will be doing better off without me I'm just wasting peoples time and being a waste of space.. but.. it does hurt seeing my love crying infront of me..


I was cut off by him pushing me against the wall and he kissed me first on my forehead, then on my left cheek, then on my right cheek.

"You are perfect darling please.. I'll be right by your side while you're going through this."

He then kissed me on my lips not giving me enough time to speak. He bit my lip to get me to open my mouth so he could explore the area with his tongue..

Aizawas pov :

I was talking to principal nezu about Izukus problem when he pulled up his computer and showed me a secret the bear sat infront of me said

"I wasn't supposed to show anyone this but since this is a serious topic I must. There are cameras in each dorm room incase of emergencies like these I only look at the footage when an incident happens and so one has so we're looking for... Izuku Midoriyas footage. Let's see what we find..."

I was shocked at the part when he said there was cameras in each students dorm rooms I questioned myself wanting to ask him if there's cameras in the teachers staff rooms but figured it wasn't the correct time to ask that type of question..

"Ah found it let's see what kind of things are we looking for?"

I hesitated before replying

"Blades, weapons, and kind of things that can cause damage or pain to him.. he did give me some of his blades before but I don't believe that was all of them.."

"..ah..right. Would you like to look for yourself because even though I'm the principal and should take care of these things I don't think I would be able to take it.. plus you seem close to eachother.."

"..alright I'll look"

I took the computer from him and switched angles on the security camera. Nothing so far. Phew maybe I should've put more trust in him before looking around his room.. now I feel guilt- wait a minute. The painting is kind of not on the wall properly and something sharp is sticking out of It..

I speed walk to Izukus room trying my hardest not to do take my mood out on anyone.

I walk right into his dorm room before knocking and just see my son and student making out . . .

I said out loud not caring what they thought

"I wish I didn't see this I could've lived without seeing this, why god why"

They both turned bright red as they looked over at me

"Carry on with what you are doing I'll just be here for a couple more seconds"

Izuku looked down embarrassed while Shinso was just watching me

My student looked up at me and knew where I was heading
All I heard before I lifted the painting was

"Wait! Don-"

. . .

The room was filled with silence

I took the knife that looked like it has just been used on skin dripping with blood and looked at Izuku.

"..Izuku show me your arm."


Shinso butted in

"Izuku.. I thought you gave all your blades and weapons to him.."

All I heard from the kid before he passed out was

"I-..I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. I didn't want to be a burden.. I .. I just wanted you to not be worried abo-"


Is anyone actually enjoying this? Cause if not I might just quit and do a mha x Hamilton musical thing

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