The king was attacked

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                     Author's pov

Omkar finished his work as soon as possible today for the first time he so wanted to take some rest time for himself but as a king you don't have that privilege.

Any employee can take a leave but a king has to work and stay aware all the time now when he get so near to his Target.

He is going to be a official king of mahisar after the crowning ceremony, there lots of things he has to look after as the preparation is going on.

Also he was worried about people's acceptance as per mahisars rule ,he has to get that royal sign.
Everything is going on with him ,his personal and professional life is challenging him.

He has sent letter to princess father but didn't get any reply from his side.

He met few of his subordinates and get information about his land and boundary.

He get over his meeting and ask mahesh to handle remaining work, he eat his dinner with his subordinate who come from different part of Mahisar kingdom to wish their new king.

So it was almost time he meet kumud in garden so changing in  comfortable clothes he went towards garden a small smile was evident on his face, he was smirking remembering the time when he kissed her how she became red.

Moving towards garden he saw a silhouette walking to and fro, she was looking like a princess from her clothes and hairstyle but her appearance like her moving style, walking with nervousness telling him otherwise.

He has observed her many times but today she was looking different shrugging his thoughts he went towards her.

Here dhami come to garden few minutes back she thought to walk for some time then go back but she was feeling nervous when she come here.

She is in kings palace and desguise as a princess this is a huge crime for them but she has to help kumud.

Making self note she tried to put the facade, when she heard a hoarse voice which made her jump on her place it was the king.

"Hey, what are you doing there in darkness "she heard him ask.

Actually the garden is big so they had lighted a small place to roam at night near due to broad trees the area is dark.

Kumud had told dhami to walk only in that space so that no one can see her face by chance.

Kumud told her that king is not coming today then how come he is here, she thought already feeling scared her face was sweating and hand shivering due to fear.

"Are you ok, princess"he ask again while she only nodd her head making him more furious.

"I came here to talk to you wrapping my work fast and you're ignoring me, its pure disrespect i will not tolerate that"he said in a stern voice making her gulp her saliva.

"You're not princess, who are you"he yelled at her that made her cry.

Looking back to him she kneel down and bow him "i am soryy maharaj please forgive me "she said.

He look at her for sometime then ask "you're her personal maid right"she nodded her head.

"What are you doing here in princess getup and where is she"he asked her.

"Ji Maharaj it was my childishness to wear princess cloth please palazzo punish me its not princess fault". She said not wanting cause any problem to kumud but she knows problem is already arisen.

"It's not only getup there is something you're hiding from me"he said to her.

"If you don't want to tell me go roast in prison i will get the information myself"he said and ask his guard to throw her in dungeon.

He was going to her chamber when he saw someone moving towards forbidden area, he was far so didn't get the idea who it was.

He walk further to the direction and stilled on his place when his eyes caught the shawl which he gave her as gift that means she is princess kumud.

While kumud was walking fast not making any noise her heart was beating fast first time in life she is doing this and she is scared to do something in dark.

She went towards forbidden area looking back, she can feel gaze on her but didn't saw anyone.

She had a letter for her father which she wrote explaining her reason to not get back.

She stand at furthest place near to the wall when someone jump down from there making her grip her mouth not to shout in fear to her shock they have weapons a lots of which used for fight or attack.

"Why you guys have that much weapon "she ask looking at the man who has wore black shawl and hide his face but her attention got on the cut sign on his cheek which look aweful.

"It's just for safety as we are two and there are lots of enemy"he said and she nodded giving him letter.

She told him that she cant go back with them, he nodded and went to the wall and jump down while kumud look surrounding her if anyone see her then made her way towards her chamber.

Making someone angry and hurt, his jaw clentched and eyes red like blood he look at her running back then run towards that wall to get that man.

Unknown to him when he was climbing the wall someone stabbed him from behind making his hand slip from the wall and he fall back on floor.

He saw the man again stabbed him on his belly but got in his arm as he move fast, that has  same black shawl like the one kumud spoke.

That man was aggressive like beast who just want to kill him mercilessly, omkar also defend himself and in reflex taking his dagger out he attack on his thigh making him groan.

The man being injured and saw guards coming there due to noise at forbidden area, he run jumping from that same wall.

Omkar was breathing hardly but with courage he stand up but didn't last long then his guards took him to his chamber.

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