this isn't you

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It had been a while since Thor had visited Asgard. Everything reminded him of Loki, and to be perfectly honest, he felt guilty every-time he thought of him.

He would see a villain, someone who had invaded Earth to conquer and kill, but right after that, he would see his little brother; smiling up at him and asking for a bedtime story.

He would see his brother hurting his friends, but then he would see him saving Hogun from an arrow, blocking dragon fire for Fandral, teasing Sif in the middle of battle - but then blocking a sword with his arm. Saving him from Frost Giants. Saving him from a Dark Elf.

Saving him from everything.


Until one time when Thor couldn't return the favor and Loki fell.

And then he came back changed.

He just couldn't understand the drastic changes in Loki, and when he didn't understand something, he ran from it.

But he didn't want to run anymore.

He wanted to figure out why Loki did the things he did, and why he didn't win the battle.

He's known Loki for 989 years. In that time, Loki had never lost a battle once. And no offense to the Midgardians, but their defense system is the worse he'd ever seen, period. They're thousands of years behind the other eight realms in both technology and societal progress. And knowing Loki, there's no way he would lose against them.

Besides, he would have gone the non-aggressive route. He'd always been too much of a pacifist, according to the rest of the Asgardians.

But before he visited Loki, he would need to visit his parents. It's not like he would need permission to visit his brother, or at least he wouldn't think so, but it was customary to visit your parents first, and then your siblings in Asgard. No matter the situation. 

He greeted the guards as he walked into the private dining hall.

He frowned. Where was his mother?

Odin sat at the table by himself. His plate was full and he twirled his fork. He looked aggravated, and it was never a good idea to get on his bad side.

So Thor sat down carefully and asked the question gingerly, as the servants set out plates and food before him. "Father, where is Mother? She attends all the dinners."

Odin twirled the fork faster, not even looking up. "That is not something you need to concern yourself with."

Thor grabbed a bowl of soup and pulled it in front of him. "She is my mother."

"And she is my wife!"

Thor adverted his eyes at the yelling and picked up his spoon.

Odin sighed. "We are having a bit of a... disagreement."

Thor stirred his soup with a spoon. "Over what?"

"Loki," Odin frowned.

He set his spoon down. "What about Loki?"

"That is between me and your mother."

"He is my brother, I have a right to know."

Odin slammed his hands on the table. "He was never your brother and he never will be!"

The plates and bowls rattled from the force and Thor's eyes widened with disbelief.

"I should have left him on that rock as a babe!" He seethed, eyes full of anger.

Thor stood up. "What do you mean, 'on that rock'?"

Odin ignored him. "All Loki ever brought was strife and discourse to this family. He is a shame to the royal line."

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