Chapter 25

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Soft candlelight bathes the jingshi in a warm glow, casting flickering shadows on the walls. The air is heavy with the scent of sandalwood incense, creating an atmosphere of tranquility. Wei Ying sits slumped on the floor, a bottle of wine clasped loosely in his hand. His disheveled appearance and red-rimmed eyes bear witness to the emotional turmoil he has endured.

Lan Zhan, dressed in his customary white robes, approaches Wei Ying with gentle steps, concern etched on his face. He kneels beside Wei Ying, placing a hand on his shoulder. Wei Ying leans into Lan Zhan's side, his head resting on Lan Zhan's shoulder.

Lan Zhan gently speak "Wei Ying, I cannot imagine the depth of pain you are feeling right now. But I want you to know that yor Lan zhan is always here for you, always."

Wei Ying lifts his head slightly, his eyes glassy and filled with tears. He reaches out to hold Lan Zhan's hand, seeking solace and comfort in their connection.

Wei Ying voice choked with emotion
"Lan Zhan, they took everything from me. My parents... their lives, their love, everything. It hurts so much. Lan Zhan... Why is the world so cruel? Why did they have to...?"

Lan Zhan brings Wei Ying's hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on his knuckles.

Lan Zhan's voice, gentle yet firm, carries a reassuring tone. "I know, Wei Ying. I cannot erase the pain, but I promise to stand by your side, to love and support you in every moment. We will find a way to heal together."

Wei Ying's eyes well up with tears as he leans into Lan Zhan's touch, seeking comfort and support. Lan Zhan wraps his arms around Wei Ying, drawing him close in a tender embrace. The warmth of his presence envelops Wei Ying, providing a sense of security amidst the storm of emotions.

Lan Zhan whispered "You are not alone, Wei Ying. We will face it together, and I will hold you through the pain."

Wei Ying's body trembles with pent-up anguish, his tears flowing freely. Lan Zhan's steady heartbeat against his chest serves as a grounding force, anchoring him in the present moment.

Lan Zhan "Let your pain be felt, Wei Ying. Release it into the embrace of the night. I am here to catch your tears and lend you my strength. I will always be there for you. I love you so much Wei ying, and I don't want to see you like this anymore. So Wei ying tonight just let it all go. After this we will move on, and move forward together."

Wei Ying clings to Lan Zhan, his grip tight and desperate. Slowly, his sobs begin to subside, his breathing steadying with each passing moment. Lan Zhan continues to hold him, offering unwavering support and a safe space for vulnerability.

As the moonlight streams through the window, casting a gentle glow on their intertwined figures, the weight of Wei Ying's grief finds solace in the embrace of Lan Zhan's love.

Wei Ying leans in, his gaze locked with Lan Zhan's. Their lips meet in a tender, bittersweet kiss, a mingling of sorrow and longing. The kiss deepens, fueled by a mixture of grief and a desperate need to find solace in each another's arms.

With unsteady movements, they rise from the floor, their bodies entwined as they stumble towards the bed. The room fills with a mixture of hushed whispers and the sound of their mingled breaths.

Both hands roam around  each others body, feeling every inch of them. Lan zhan kissed the man hungrily, sucking, biting and licking lips. Their robes discarded around the floor.

Lan zhan lay wei wuxian at the bed so gently. Kissing him from lips down to his neck, and he sucked his broad chest leaving bite marks all over his body.

Wei ying was moaning and wreathing in pleasure under net the second jade. His legs curl at every marks lan zhan left his body.

"Ahhh.. Lan zhan mnnn" wei ying moaned making lan wangji more aroused than he is right now. The beast sleeping at him woke up and he growl in want, love and lust.

Lan wangji's kisses went down and down until he reach the proud member of his Wei ying. He didn't hesitate to put him in his mouth and he moaned with pleasure.

"Ahh... Mnnn.. Ahhhhh.... Lan-er-gege suck me hard... Oh yes... Ahhh gege so good mnnnnn..."

Wei wuxian was convulsing with pure lust right now,his face flash.

Lan zhan sucked him like an expert all the while coating Wei wuxian's ass with the lubricant.

Wei wuxian moaned and moaned demanded lan zhan to take him already. And lan wangji obliged.

Lan wangji put his hard member on wei wuxian entrance slowly until his cock was in fully.

He pounce on wei ying slow, until it became rough and hard. Both are panting and moaning each others name.

Lan zhan pounce on wei ying hard and faster telling him how much he love him and kissing and marking him the same time. As wei wuxian release, lan wangji soon followed he release inside wei wuxian.

Wei wuxian's body is full of bite marks. Proof of the intimacy they shared together.

In the safety of their shared intimacy, they find a temporary escape from the pain that weighs heavily upon them. In this moment of vulnerability, their love becomes a source of healing, a sanctuary where they can momentarily forget the world's harsh realities.

*Somewhere else*

"What the fuck is going on? Jiang Fengmian and Jin Guangshan are not supposed to die early! They have to die in my hands! But what is going on now? And you! I told you to watch that Wei wuxian but what happened?!" a tall man shouts at his subordinates

"Im sorry okay! And it's not my fault! I didn't know where to find that bastard in the first place and then later I just learned that he was adopted by someone else!"

"Stop with your excuses! This time we must not fail! We need to fucking get wei wuxian at all cost!"

Super duper late update because I'm too busy specially last june because of our graduation.

Forgive me my bunnies.

I might not update too often now because I need to focus finding job first.

Still enjoy reading bunnies.


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