Chapter Twenty Two

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"Hannah are you sure you're okay. You were missing for more than twelve hours?" Doris asks on the drive home.

They all look pretty shaken after what happened at FCI but I am dealing with it pretty good. I owe my current calm self to Santiago.

"Yes I'm okay. I hid when I heard the riot start and was too scared to move so I stayed there." I reply.

I can't as well tell them the truth. That I spent the night with an inmate. They'll never understand and I don't owe them an explanation.

"We were really worried when you didn't come back. They kept banging on the break room doors and windows and even got through at some point so we had to relocate to the wardens office until things cooled down." Wyatt explains.

I recall seeing the broken shards of glass on the break room and the dents on the door. Santiago had been right to take me out of there. I could have been seriously hurt or worse, dead.

"I'm glad we all survived that. I will definitely make a report that the Westview staff aren't allowed to go back there. They are lucky none of us got hurt or we would be dealing with a lawsuit." Dr. Matthew adds concentrating on the road.

"We all knew what we were signing up for." I comment.

"To help, not to die. I knew something like this would happen." Doris cries out.

"It'll be okay Doris. We got out of there safe and sound." I reassure her putting a comforting arm over her shoulders.

"You're right, I should focus on the positive. Some inmates died in the fights and stampedes but we got out with our lives." She replies.

"Someone died?!" I exclaim soaking in this new piece of information.

"Yeah the warden wouldn't give us a number but some inmates did die and one CO I think." Wyatt explains.

"That's so sad." I mumble.

Even if the inmates were in the riot, they didn't deserve to die. And the CO, he was just doing his job.

"Yeah but we all lived so let's focus on that." Dr Matthew insists.

He's right. We all could have died there but we survived and we need to focus on that positive.

Dr. Matthew drops me off at my place forty five minutes later.

"Get some rest Hannah. I'll email you all the updates of the next step forward by the end of the day but tomorrow we get the day off, I'll talk to the rest of the team leaders about that. They've been blowing my phone up all morning." Dr. Matthew says.

"Okay, thank you. I'll see you guys later." I reply picking up my bag.

They echo their goodbyes as Wyatt slides the van doors open to let me out. I stand on the sidewalk until they drive away before walking up my driveway to get to my door. I retrieve my keys from my bag and I'm about to open the door when it swings open revealing Jada and Renee. I can hear Tom and Ben's deep voices rumbling from inside.

"Guys what are you doing here?" I manage to ask as I'm pulled in for a group hug.

"You're alive." Jada cries screeches almost bursting my eardrum.

"Yes I am, I remember texting you that." I laugh patting her back.

When I got to my phone, I'd found multiple missed calls and tons of messages from my whole friend group. I'd immediately texted them that I was okay in the group chat but I didn't expect to find them all camped out at my place.

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