Chapter 16

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Nicole walked into the police station later that morning. Clive was sitting at his desk in the back. He looked up and glared at her. She just smiled at him. The cop sitting at the front desk looked up and his eyes settled on her throat. His eyebrows rose. "What happened to you? Do you need to charge that boy with domestic violence?"

She noticed the man was the same one who'd seen her at Ashton's house. "I'm Nicole. You are?" Her voice was still a little hoarse.

He sat up straighter. "Officer Norman Bishop."

She leaned forward, smiling at him. "Well, Officer Bishop," she told him in a low voice that made him lean closer. "I'd press charges, except your boss would have a hard time arresting himself."

He licked his lips quickly before meeting her gaze, perplexed. "What are you talking about?"

She frowned. "Clive did this. Last night, he sent Mason home and did this to me."

Norman shook his head. "He wouldn't." He wasn't arguing, she noticed. He was simply saying it.

She straightened up. "If you say so." She walked to Clive. He didn't say anything, so she smiled. "I thought I'd get a hello. What's the matter, sir? Cat got your tongue?"

He burned her with a glare. "My tongue is fine." He sounded as if his mouth was full.

She nodded as she sat down. "I'm willing to put what happened last night behind us, but only on one condition: Mason and I continue to work together."

He regarded her with amusement. "I thought we'd already agreed to this. Silently, but still."

She shrugged. "I just want to make sure we're in agreement. He's the only one here that's kind to me and I trust. I'd hate to suddenly end up working with someone else. Speaking of which, what would you like me to tell you about Ashton, or retrieve for you from him?"

Clive sat back and looked up at the ceiling. After a moment he looked back at her. "Fine, for now. If I find he's lying to me – or you are – you're both going to be sorry." She fought smiling. "As for Ashton, I need you to bring me the chemicals he has at his house. I also need you to bring me anything that has a questionable origin."

She nodded, unsure what he was alluding to. "Will do. I'll be back."

On the walk to Ashton's house, she contemplated just what he meant. By the time she arrived she was pretty sure she understood what he meant, that he was framing Ashton. She ran up the steps and gave a knock, even though she was turning the knob. She stepped in and was nearly knocked back out the door when a little girl ran up and hugged her legs.

Ella looked up at her with a big smile. Ashton, grinning, appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. "We heard you knock and she had to come say hi."

Nicole grinned and got down to return the hug. Ella's arms went around Nicole's neck, so she picked her up when she stood. "Have you been good for Ash?" she asked.

Ella nodded. "Ashton has been playing with me."

"What's he been playing?"


She looked, amused, at Ashton. "Has he really?" He blushed and shrugged as the girl enthusiastically nodded. "Is he any good at it?"

Ella giggled. "He's funny."

"Really? Can I play, too?"

Again, she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes."

Nicole laughed, kissed her head and carried her over to Ashton. "Where are we playing?"

The Woods | Harvey #1Where stories live. Discover now