[ 12 ] Running away is what I usually do best

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Chapter song : Heavy by Aftertheparty

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• C H A P T E R T W E L V E •

Once Joan discloses details on how my dad perceived my dishonesty, I hurriedly exit the house without so much of a farewell. I am so anxious and can't seem to think straight as I stroll my way through the neighbourhood. Since Natalie lives only three blocks away, the walk towards my house lasts about five minutes. Even if the thought of confronting my dad scares the living shit out of me, the warm night breeze eases my anxiousness and helps me take my mind off things.

By the time I arrive onto the porch, I instantly spot through the windows that the lights in my living room are the only ones to be switched on in the house, signaling that my dad has long been awaiting my presence.

The moment I step foot into the doorway entry, I can already sense the unwelcoming cold stare that my dad's throwing my way.

"Mind explaining to me where the hell you've been, these past couple of hours?"

The only time he uses his authoritative tone is when he's beyond pissed at me. He's sitting on the couch with his arms crossed as he breathes out a breath through his nose, his shoulders rising and falling.

I am in deep, deep trouble.

"I know you found out about tonight dad," I begin nervously. "And I know you're angry but I'm—"

"Angry doesn't even begin to describe how upset I am with you." he interrupts me.

"I gave you an order Emery and you straight up disobeyed me. Did you seriously think that I wasn't going to find out?"

When I choose not to respond, he squints his eyes before continuing. "And now you're back home, dressed like some stupid girl who's been taking advantage of and care to share on how your dress got soaked?"

Knitting my eyebrows into a frown, I clench my fist as I inwardly force myself to calm down. Talking back will only result into more problems and I've exhausted all my energy for the day.

"First of all, no one took advantage of me and secondly—" I pause mid-sentence once he suddenly jolts up from the couch before coming to face me.

"Shut up!" he yells at the top of his lungs.

A quaver of fear washes through me as I freeze on the spot. It's moments like this that completely get me to become frustrated and emotional.

"Now if you can't obey my rules and feel like you're entitled to make your own decisions, then by all means, go back to live with your mom in Boston." he points out.

Without realization, I feel the tears slowly start to spill from my eyes as I shake my head. "Dad, I'm sorry I disobeyed you but please don't send me back there." I stutter in a brittle tone.

"Well you should've thought of that before you did what you did." he barks out before reverting to his initial position on the couch. "Is this how it's always going to be with you Emery? A party comes up, you ask for my permission to go — but I rebuff your request and you end up going anyway — you get humiliated at said party and end up arriving home, in the middle of the night and I get to scold you?"

I slowly shake my head as I choose to remain quiet.

He heaves a deep sigh. "To top it all off, you got your friend to lie to me only to cover for you. . .well here's how it's going to be; I'm seizing your car from here on out. Natalie's also in big trouble."

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