☠︎︎ Healing ☠︎︎

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It was the middle of the night, you were still awake to make sure that Deathcutter was alright. Your siblings must've notified the dragon riders by now and they were probably on their way or leaving already, you hoped that was the case.

Odin knows what'll happen if it wasn't.

The hunters must've forgotten all about you and Deathcutter, they probably thought the both of you had drowned or something, maybe even eaten by a Thunderdrum or Scauldron.

Deathcutter wasn't up for flying yet since he was still weak because of the dragon root arrow, you were stranded on a sea-stack but you wouldn't wanna be anywhere else if it meant getting to spend time with your beloved Boneknapper.

At least he was standing up and was able to walk and run around the cave, that meant he was doing much better.

"Don't worry, to make it up to you, I'll give you a bunch of fish once we get back." You smiled

Deathcutter roared excitedly before nuzzling you, he ran to the entrance and sat drown at the edge so you did the same.

"At least we have a perfect view of the auction, I wonder when they'll begin to start the auction and when Vikings from different islands will start to show." You stated

He nodded before looking off into the distance to see if any nearby ships were about to approach. Nothing.

They're probably gonna start it in a couple days, Deathcutter would be a good dragon to sell due to his rarity. Losing that is... quite the inconvenience.

"Hope the other riders can get here in time with Stoick and Gobber, don't wanna have us fight in the auction all alone. It'd be pretty unfair, if you're prepared to fight, that is." You shared

Deathcutter nodded before looking at your helmet and two daggers that were propped up against it, you might need those later if you come across any of the hunters.

You were hungry and thirsty but so was Deathcutter, that didn't mean the two of you were out of shape for a battle, it meant the exact opposite.

Striving for salvation and survival would assist you in keeping your priorities straight along with help you keep track of Deathcutter's current physical and psychological state.

If you didn't make it out of the cave alive, you hoped Deathcutter would be able to so that he could continue to live out his life on Berk or with some other Boneknapper's.

You wanted him to continue his life however he liked, you weren't gonna force him to live a life he didn't want. It wasn't right.

Everyone should be given a chance to be happy, including dragons.

You grabbed your helmet and flicked the front of the skull up before putting it on incase something happened, you grabbed both daggers and placed them beside you before looking off into the ocean.


A few ships seemed to be approaching the island that was quite dim due to the lack of torches, it didn't lack dragons though which was bad. Maybe even worse than bad in some cases.

"The auction is starting so soon?! Do they have something of your value yet? I thought it'd be in a couple days since they've got to recover from the fire you, Barf and Belch had created earlier!" You exclaimed

Deathcutter roared in agreement before getting up to take a better look at the boats.

"Whose gonna stop the auction, the Dragon riders might be on their way but if it starts as soon as there's enough people then me and you are gonna be the only ones here! We can't fight Viggo and Ryker's dragon army alone, it's practically impossible! Ryker was able to get a hit on you despite the armour, imagine if Viggo picks up a bow and aims it at you without someone else to cover you?" You asked

This was not how things were supposed to go, this was the exact opposite of how you wanted things to go.

They would arrive here before the other Vikings had got here with the clans so that the auction would be crashed before it even began, this wasn't the plan Hiccup had made earlier when you were on the way back to Dragons Edge with the other riders.

"What if the auction starts? No one is there to save the dragons, they could be sold by the time the riders get there!" You panicked

Deathcutter began to flap his wings and roar, he was willing to fly for the dragons lives despite being hit with a dragon root arrow.

You nodded before closing the jaw of the skull which made your face unseeable to Vikings, you grabbed both daggers and wiped both of them down using each hand since there was a bunch of dirt on it and dust. 

"We're gonna have to start the battle without them, shouldn't be much of a problem since we're pretty good at solo missions, right?" You smiled

Deathcutter nodded and roared before lowering himself so that you could get onto his back, he was a big dragon which meant he'd need to stay bent down if he didn't want you to get crushed by the rocks above.

"Sure  you wanna do this?" You asked

He looked back at you and roared quietly, you nodded and he started to run towards the entrance before jumping over the water and into the air.

You closed your eyes but opened them once he caught himself in the air, he shrieked before beginning to fly around to get the hang of it once more.

"We've got to be extra careful and avoid those arrows, if you lose stability then we're both going down and into the water." You said

Deathcutter began to fly higher so that he would be out of sight from anyone at the island, he roared and you looked over as the torches were being lit.

The auction was gonna start now that the Vikings had arrived.

"Land on one of those hills, in the trees so that we can observe it for a while for some more information on this." You ordered

He did as told and he landed in the forest, you hoped the riders would get there really soon.

Y/n Thorston (How To Train Your Dragon)Where stories live. Discover now