•𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗•

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you are loved, remember that <3

Well here I am. Sat on the sofa in one of the living rooms he has in this mansion of his looking at a blank TV trying to decide what to do now that I'm in a house alone.

Well I'm not completely alone, I have all these guards around. Maybe I can ask them to do something with me? Actually now that I think about it whenever I speak to them they either ignore me or they speak very short sentences so that's a no to that idea I guess.

Maybe I can watch a movie? No, I'll just get bored easily. Maybe I can work out? Now that's just effort. Maybe I should bake something? I mean why not.

I get up from the sofa and stretch my legs out since they've gone numb from sitting cross legged for too long trying to decide what to do with my life.

I walk past the guards and give them small smiles but they just keep their lovely emotionless faces on. How boring. I walk around for about 10 minutes trying to find the stupid kitchen and when I finally find it I immediately look into the pantry to see what ingredients there are and then I can decide what to make.

To my surprise, the pantry is full with many food items and ingredients. I spot a packet of cookie mix that you literally just dump it in a bowl and then add water. Brilliant, that gives me less clearing up to do, and I couldn't be bothered to make the cookies from scratch anyways.

I grab it and put it on the side and then look through the many cupboards that's in this kitchen and finally find a bowl big enough to make this cookie mix, placing that on the side as well. I open the packet and put the mixture into the bowl and then read how much water I have to put in and then putting that in as well.

I grab a whisk from the drawer and mix everything together. After 5 minutes my arms feel like they are going to fall off, this is like an arm workout right here.

After I've finally finished mixing the mixture it's become doughy so I roll the dough into lots of balls and then flatten it making it into the cookie shape. After all that's done I then put the cookies into the oven that I pre heated after wasting 10 minutes of life trying to figure out how to use this fancy oven.

I clean everything up and wash up the dishes after packing everything away. Well I have to wait 20 minutes for the cookies to be done so now it's deciding what I do now.


It's now been a couple of hours since making the cookies, the cookies are put into containers but I ate one before I packed them away and I got to say, they are some good cookies.

But now I'm just doing rolley poley's in the garden.

I know it's random but I really don't know what to do.

After finishing my 36th rolley poley, I stay laying on my back looking up at the sky. I think the time is now around 5:30ish. I groan and sit up looking around the garden and that's when I notice there is a trampoline. BINGO.

I quickly run over to the trampoline and open the zip. I screamed a little bit because there was a spider on there which I quickly flung it off my hand. Stupid spider.

I climbed through the gap and stood up on the trampoline. I slowly started to bounce but I was a bit worried. What happens if I roll my ankle and break it. Knowing me, something like that might happen...

Oh well, live love laugh.

After playing on the trampoline for about 20 minutes or so, I hear loud footsteps running and a voice shouting but I can't make out what they are saying. It sounds like the footsteps are coming to where I am. Oh god.

I watch as Noah runs outside and he's shouting my name dragging it out and then towards where I am.

"Ariaaaaa I've missed you!!" he then climbs through the gap and grabs my ankle making me fall on my butt making him laugh.

"What was that for!" I scowl at him making him laugh.

Then I hear more footsteps coming outside. "Noah you dickhead! You pushed me into a table and now my hips hurts!" I watch Micheal stomp outside and he's holding his hip. He comes over to where we are and he glared at Noah.

"That's not my fault your fat body was in my way. I wanted to be the first to join Aria on the trampoline" Noah says shrugging his shoulders and standing up and start bouncing which made me start bouncing as well.

"Noah!" I shout whilst being flung around.

I watch as Micheal comes in as well and starts bouncing as well, both of them not giving me a chance to stand up. I'm gonna get squished in a minute.

"Guys stop you're gonna stand on me and break my bones!" I yell using all my effort to stand up but my legs keep giving out because of the force of them bouncing.

Finally they both stop and they sit down on the floor of the trampoline. "My bad sweetheart, hey imagine if we bounced you so hard you flung so high into the air" Noah said whilst stroking his chin thinking intensely.

"hey can we try-"

"frick no" I say cutting him off making him scowl in disappointment. "I'm getting out now bye losers" I say climbing out of the trampoline.

I start walking back to the house when I hear shouting behind me making me turn back around to see Micheal and Noah pushing each other so they are bouncing off the trampoline netting walls. I hear them shouting something like "no you aren't bouncing me high so that I go over the top of the trampoline!" and "why not!" stuff like that.

Then it happened in slow motion I swear. I watched as Micheal flung to the side netting and because of the force of Noah's push he created a hole which made him fling out that hole and onto the floor.

"WHAT THE FUCK" he yells when he's landed on his back on the grass groaning in pain and rolling side to side. Then there's just Noah on his knees laughing and holding his stomach.

I sigh and just turn back around to walk back inside.

These boys...

-chapter complete-

Hey guys, it's been a while.
I'm not gong to lie I was debating whether or not to carry on with with this book because I felt really unmotivated to update and I had no ideas coming to mind. I've also been busy with college and assignment work so I've had no time to update so sorry for that. I also want to America for my cheer competition!
So I've been very busy. But I hope you enjoy this chapter and it wasn't too boring for you... (p.s sorry if there are mistakes)
I've also edited some chapters lol

Thank you all for 600k reads as well! That is unbelievable! I never thought that I would get that many reads so I really do appreciate it 🥹

As always I love you all xxx

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now