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Once the unproductive -and thirsty- comments were stomped down from freely being allowed to swim around in my mind.

I look back up at my "guests" and swallow hard whenever I do so.

"S-seat?" I offer meekly, turning my one single chair around and aiming it at them.

I didn't really have that much sitting space to offer, especially with my bed folded out. It's not like I ever needed the availability of more than one chair before.

Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll get to sit on one of their lap? Or maybe them to mine!?

My hormones completely take over, but my wanton thoughts were stopped almost as soon as they started when the golden-bodied male... appearing person in front lifted up a hand and shook his head.

"Sorry. No need." They almost robotically say. "That is how you deny something, correct?" He then later followed with a question. He looked from me to his partner, and we both solemnly nod in unison.

"Yes, that is how you say it. Uhm..." I fumbled on what to say next, but they quickly jumped in.

"Also to answer your other question, we are the closest thing to male presenting as your species will understand?" It sounded more like a question than an answer, but-

That's good enough for me, bestie! The victory bells were already going off in my head. If I see anything that so much as even VAGUELY resembles the shape of a dick, it's game over-

While the side of my brain that likes to pretend to be sensible tried to beat those licentious thoughts away with a stick, the other side was already singing victory gospel songs straight out of Disney's Hercules.

Finally, some monochrome of sense clicked in and I steadied myself as I tried to casually make my way toward a drawer on the far side of the ship completely opposite to where they stood.

Blocking the only entrance and exit.

I put on a very warm smile and tried to sound as non-phased as possible.

"What suddenly brings you to my side of...the ocean?" I casually asked, as if a familiar neighbour had just popped in for a cup of sugar.

And not an alien race of hot men practically cornering me in my tiny home after months of deliberately not making any contact.

Calm down Mel, don't act too hasty and scare them off. Or worse. Don't provoke them into doing anything dangerous. I willed myself to shove down my fiery questions to the very pits of my stomach to burn, and only allowed sweet fake sugar to run free from my mouth as I talked to these two strangers.

But God Almighty was it difficult.

I wasn't used to tampering or holding myself back.

So it was nothing short of a miracle whenever I'm able to successfully do so.

Keyword being successfully. Because the feat was too grand to not encounter failure.

I tilt my head back to look at them, waiting for an answer to my question.

The two share a look, one only two people with extreme familiarity would exchange, before looking back at me to answer.

I couldn't read what the look conveyed, but their body language said it all.

Lie or deflect.

Were they speaking telepathically? Could they read my mind right now as we spoke!? WHAT SIZES ARE YOUR DI-

"We just thought...it was about time we come by and say hello?" The yellow-golden one responded.

Why was he saying it like a question? How can they speak near-fluent English!? How...JUST HOW!?

I clamp down on the 10 million warning bells sounding off in my head, and the near 5 times as many ones being hurled at me through my screen. My phone practically vibrated itself off my countertops and slammed down onto the floor.

This whole interaction doesn't even feel right.

And if I could just suppress my womanly urges for 5 seconds from throwing myself at the first sight of testosterone I've come into contact with in nearly half a decade, I could clearly see and understand the full gravity of the situation.

Like for God's sake woman, they could be shapeshifters! Their whole appearance could be an illusionary trick to lure you in!! They could be hideous demonic-looking creatures with multiple appendages and a meter-long tentacle tongue!!!

I paused for a minute after thinking that.

Okay but hear me out...

"T-thank you for that!" I quickly rip my mind back to the present as I'd noticed their response had gone too long without a proper answer on my part.

I squeezed the hem of my shirt dress with both my hands and stood at a near-uncomfortable upright position.

My body wanted to tremble but I willed myself with all my newfound horny might to suppress it.

What is wrong with me!? Why am I suddenly acting and thinking like this!? NOTHING about thing situation makes a lick of sense-

"Would you like us to leave?"

I swiftly look up.

The one who'd spoken was the silvery-grey coloured one, and their analytical gaze pinned me down as they seemed to assess my entire being in one all-encompassing glace from head to toe.

His height nearly brushed the roof's ceiling, and his thin frame and skin colour nearly made him blend with the overall background.

But he still had this...presence, that made you not want to make the mistake of forgetting he was always there. Silently watching and observing.

A chill raced down my spine as I meekly nod my head, fearing to make eye contact with them. As if I'd immensely disappointed them somehow.

"Please don't be frightened of us." The gold on quickly piped up, his cheery tone seeping into all corners of the room and seeming to brighten it with his very words alone. "Our last intention was to alarm you. As we do not wish to scare you in any way," he adds.

But why? My cynical and slightly untrusting negro brain quickly piped up.

Centuries of history were practically ingrained in my DNA to not trust outsiders.

Call it prejudice if you must, but I believe my ancestors' track records speak for themselves.

The silver one bumps his friend/companion in a swift motion with his elbow, and the golden one seemed to have gotten a hint.

"Oh! Right, we'll be leaving now," he said, the literal personification of sunshine energy.

He lifts his hands to wave at me as he turns to leave, and the silver one reciprocates the action as well.

"It was nice meeting you Mel!" The gold one cheerily says as his partner nods his agreement.

"Yeah....about that." I ominously say as a mechanical charge-up sound fills the air.

I could see the confusion in both of their postures.

The silver one was the first to turn around and freeze, then the gold one swiftly follows by looking over his shoulder, and immediately lifts their hands up to their chest, fully turning as their skin begins to glow a bright purple colour.

I held up my ray gun that I'd inconspicuously pulled out of my draw, with a fully charged purple energy blast at the ready in their faces.

"I don't believe any introductions were made."

I looked up at them with untrusting fire in my eyes.

"So how the fuck do you know myname?"

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