characters ✨

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Ankur Verma

Height - 6'1
Weight - 78 kgs
Eyes - black
Hairs - black
Age - 30

Ankur is a business man with of course bulky body as he is gymholic ... If you think like millionaire or billionaire then no... He earns alot of money for sure but still can't be considered a millionaire...
He is cheerful type of person, he smiles and makes everyone smile... But he is 'me, myself and I' type of guy... For him he is his first priority and after that the list starts...


Irika Bhatt

Height - 5'3
Weight - 45 kgs
Eyes - dark brown
Hairs - dark brown
Age - 22

Irika is a very down to earth type of girl, she likes helping others and making everyone smile... For her everyone is her priority and 'me, myself and I' concept doesn't implement in her life... She wants to see every one happy no matter if she had to sacrifice herself for that... Her priority list is never ending but there's nothing like 'irika' in it...


Satvik Malhotra

Height - 6'0
Weight - 75 kgs
Eyes - Dark brown
Hairs - black
Age - 31

Satvik, A extreme introvert and private person, he have a perfect lean body, slim waist...he sure likes to see everyone happy but he doesn't know how to show affection... He is one of the most successful businessman in the India and is now expanding his business on International national level... Mr. Arrogant, Mr. Rude, Mr. Merciless... Yes these are his nickname which he himself doesn't know it was given by his employees... Yes Mr. Workaholic too...


Vandana Verma - Ankur's mother
Akhilesh Verma - Ankur's father
Anika Verma - Ankur's sister


Anjali bhatt - Irika's mother
Shivendra bhatt - Irika's father
Shourya bhatt - Irika's brother


Gyatri Malhotra - Satvik' mother
Late Saurabh Malhotra - Satvik's father
Shivangi Malhotra - Satvik's sister


Hop in to read what fate plays with these three lives ✨

ill they have a happy ending or their fate will keep messing up.

This story is very beautiful and interesting

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