Chapter 3

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After his father's death, Baldwin succeeded him at the age of only thirteen. William had taught him what it took to be a proper politician, during the eight years he had been by his side.

The servants prepared him for his coronation ceremony and the Sibyl entered the room, looking at him and doting on him. She took his hands in hers, hands wearing white gloves.

"I can't believe that from today, you will be the king of Jerusalem. Mother would be very proud"

"I asked for her to come to my coronation"

"But she was forbidden..."

"As the future king, I asked to be here"

"You are the king, you will decide what is right and wrong" Baldwin hugged her

"I won't make it without your help, Sibyl. I want you by my side, throughout my reign, which I don't know how long it will last" William entered the room holding a wooden chest and bowed before it, opening it , showing its contents.

"A king needs a golden crown, not a golden mask," said the Sibyl and turned her head away, resentful.

"At some point I shall be forced to wear both," said Baldwin "But not today. I will not wear the mask at the coronation. I want the people of Jerusalem to see my face, one last time."

When he left the palace he put his hand with the back side covering his eyes. He felt the sensation of the sun on his skin, but his eyes hurt.

He walked towards the platform, followed by a large procession, just behind him walked William and Sibyl, and further back his closest servants. The high priest kept in a pouch, the monarch's scepter and orb. Symbols very important for the coronation of the king. The scepter symbolized the justice that the monarch would dispense, while the golden orb symbolized the monarch's supreme power in the world. The sphere, also known as the Apple of the World, had Christian symbolism of the world, while the cross on the sphere depicted the union of the world with the Kingdom of Heaven.

"Take off the gloves" he whispered and Baldwin looked at William, who was archbishop now. William shook his head negatively, his blessed father and former king had asked that no one should know about his illness. Baldwin held the scepter in his left hand and the orb in his right, following the protocol and custom of the coronation.

The high priest was saying the coronation prayer, holding the crown he placed on the new young King's head. "Long live the new King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem"

The young new king still holding the symbols of the monarch and having the crown on his head, walked out of the church, walking on the purple carpet of the church. The people of Jerusalem quickly accepted him as their new king, despite his young age, and applauded him when they saw him come out of the church.

In the palace, where the reception for the coronation of the new king was organized, only noble and important personalities of that time had been invited. William accompanied the king to introduce him to the guests, despite the Sibyl's complaints that he stay by her side, like a hawk protecting her chick before flying.

"It is important to his future policy, my princess," the archbishop said and gently placed a hand on his back, urging him forward. She introduced him to a man, with brown hair and big, brown eyes.

"May I introduce you to the Count of Tripoli, Raymond III. He became Prince of Jerusalem when he married your aunt, Hesiva" Raymond bowed and kissed the king's hand "He will fulfill the qualification of regent, until you are old enough to administrations"

"Honored to know my king from the first day of his coronation. Any questions you have about politics, don't hesitate to ask me, your majesty"

"I would like to know if there is any threat to Jerusalem"

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