05: contract

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Andy's jaw hurt, it was worse than he could imagine infact. His cheek was bruised and bleeding a bit, his head pulsing with pain.

He was sitting uncomfortably on his own bed watching Raphael move around, he was clearly looking for something.

Who knew? The thoughts began to rush in.

He looked at Raphael again who's back was turned to him, Raphael, Cameron and I reunited once again.

"I got something," Raphael brought up a first aid kit.

The older boy grabbed a chair and sat, he then opened the first aid kit in a hurry, Andy watched still stunned that it's Raphael, the boy who used to bully him back in high school.

Who would thought they would end up this way.

"That stings!" Andy snapped at Raphael as he applied some medications on his face.

"Stay still, it won't last long," Raphael muttered.

Andy tried too, really did but everytime the cotton brushed in his face, he squirmed on his bed. Raphael couldn't take it, he held Andy's cheek.

"Listen, if you keep moving I'm going to punch you," he warned, "now hold still."

"I thought you were a good boy now," Andy joked, but he wasn't sure if Raphael was being serious or not, his expression on his face was neutral.

The smaller boy hoped Raphael wouldn't notice the blush highlighting his face. He was staring right at his eyes which were busy cleaning his bruise.

"Done," Raphael said.

Andy could finally breath, he felt his heart race and his mind a bit dizzy. Whatever happened right now was going to be treasured, which sounded like a bad idea.

He looked up at Raphael who was putting away the first aid kit, he bit his lower lip and groaned. Raphael turned around, his brow furrowed together in concern.

"Thank you," Andy mumbled.

Raphael shrugged, "it's the least I could do."

Andy doesn't say anything.

"Besides, you shouldn't let anyone treat like that you know? You have to fight back at some point."

Andy chuckled, "that was rich coming from you."

Andy froze, he didn't mean to say that, he cursed and sighed burying his face in his hands.

"Sorry, I know you want to put the past behind us but, I don't think the memories will fade," Andy explained.

"It's fine, whenever your ready."

Andy nodded.

Raphael couldn't help himself, his eyes moved to Andy's chest where he was covered in a few bruises, he could  remember a few.

He felt guilty rush up in his bones.

"Are those....the scars?"

Andy looked at himself, then realized that he was shirtless infront of a boy, and not just any boy, Raphael.

"Um, yeah I think you could recognize a few," he chuckled.

His cheeks were glowing pink at this point.

"Remember this one?" He pointed one next to his nipple, it was a scaring that was fading real quickly.

"Weeks before graduation, I got a new bike and you shoved me off it and stole it. When you left it turnedout I bruised myself from the fall, crazy right?" He looked up at Raphael.

But he wasn't paying attention.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"Eh, it's fine."

Raphael sighed, "I suggest you get some lessons on self-defense, I can teach if you want?"

Andy did want to get lessons. "Does that mean I'll have to wake up and do exercise and the stop eating candy as breakfast too?"


He groaned.

"Fine, but I need this in paper. I don't want you going back on your word," Raphael nodded.

Few minutes later they signed their names on a piece of paper written rules and regulations on the contract, both boys shook hands to make it official.

"I think I need a bath," Andy mumbled.

"Good idea."


Andy didn't go to class the next day, he's phone rang while he was busy watching people getting their surgery through his phone, he felt a bit uneasy with all the organs and blood sticking out.

He praised God when someone called him.

He answered without checking the caller ID.


"So you finally decide to talk to me?", Amber's voice spoke through the line.

Andy chuckled nervously and wished he was watching the surgery again, he sighed and quickly replied:

"Blame the university system here, it's not my fault okay?"

Amber scoffed, "right not your fault, listen I don't know why your avoiding me but, I'm your sister."

Andy doesn't say anything.

"And whatever is going on, I need to know. If it's Raphael again—"

"No! It's not him, he's, I mean we're friends now, dorm mates," he interrupted her, he didn't want bad blood between his sister and Raphael.

"Siding with the enemy?"

Andy rolled his eyes, "this isn't dungeons and dragons Amber, I swear I'm fine."

He knew he was lying. A) he clearly just got a beating, B) Raphael is being way too nice to him and C) who the hell is Joe.

"Okay, mum wants you to visit this weekend then, if that's okay with you?"

Andy froze, he was barely healing from his attack and Saturday wasn't as far as it seemed.

"Hello? Andy?" His sister scolded.

"Er, yes?"

Amber groaned, "dinner at our new house, this weekend?"

Andy gulped, "sure I'll be there, I think."

"Okay, call me often and take care."

Amber ended the call letting Andy's heart pulse in furry. His family was going to kill him after taking one look at him, he groaned and slumped on his bed.



Such a mid chapter, but I don't mind it...kinda...

This is the end of the five day posting mark, I can finally rest a bit huh? ;)

I will post next chapter on Monday as promised, but when summer hits I think they'll be a few changes to the schedule hahaha ;)

Okay bye


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