Chapter 9 Captured

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It had been a peaceful morning on the Nemesis, I was with Lord Megatron, and he was talking about his days as a gladiator. Ever since the mine attack, Megatron and I have been talking more and more to the point where I don't need to address him as 'lord' when we talk in private.

"So then, Soundwave griped the bot with his tentacles and had his symbiotes rip him to shreds." Megatron said and I stared in awe of his stories and how he was once a weak mech to a very strong and powerful leader.

"So that is how you and Soundwave met?!?!" I asked excitedly, he nodded and grabbed an old datapad that had a picture of him and Soundwave, along with all his symbiotes.

"We took this after that match, promising one another that we would try and make Cybertron fair to all." His smile faltered at the reminder of Cybertron, of all that have sacrificed their lives for the cause. I put my hand on one of his digits and smiled at him, in which he smiled back at me.

"It's okay, let's not make their sacrifice in vain, right Megatron?" He nodded and pressed his helm to my forehead. I do this gesture to help comfort anyone and to let them know that they aren't alone.

When I pulled away, I said, "Come on, Starscream and I have patrols and he has a surprise for me." He nodded and I jumped in his hand as he walked out of his berthroom to the main bridge. It was a quiet walk back to the bridge, until a ground bridge opened up before us, with Optimus Prime aiming his guns at Megatron.

"Megatron! Release the human from your grasp!" Megatron snarled and tightly got me in his servo, but to the point where he was crushing me, rather very protecting.

"So, you came for her, right? Well, unless you take her by force, my Commander stays here!" The doors opened behind us, revealing Starscream and a ton of Vehicons. They all aimed their weapons at Optimus as Starscream took me from Megatron's servo into his.

"Take Enigma, Starscream, NOW!" Megatron screamed and Starscream left with me tightly in his servo, with an angry glare on his face. When we turned I saw the other Autobots raising their blasters at Starscream.

"Put the human down, Screamer!" Arcee growled at him, which only made him angry. He hated that nickname because it's what his Trinemates called him and only they could call him that name as well as me.

He changed his servo into a blaster and started shooting at them, but we got hit by someone and I fell out of his grip, with me whispering, "Starr..." My vision went black.

Starscream POV

I felt someone hit me in the back of my helm and I fell with Enigma sliding out of my servo and falling onto the ground, unconscious. I was furious that they hurt her, she was my partner, no someone I cared for just as much as my Trinemates.

I saw Arcee grab Enigma and she spoke through her comm. "Ratchet, we need a groundbridge, the human is unconscious, probably from lack of care from the cons." I snarled as I used all of my strength to push myself up.

Before meeting her, I had no one, only fed upon my own greed, and never thought that anyone would understand me or how I felt. Enigma, she changed me for the better, she saved me from myself and I needed to, no, wanted to make it up to her.

I saw the portal open and ran into it as fast as I possibly could, but I heard the portal start to shut down. I ran faster and when I got to the other side, I saw Prime there, with his blade out, ready to attack.

I used my claws to attack him, and started fighting him. I knew I didn't have much of a chance, but I had to do something to try and get Enigma back. "PRIME, where is she!!!"

He kept quiet, but we kept fighting, until I felt a shock to my back and fell down. Before I was forced into recharge, I tried to reach out for any sign of Enigma before my optics went black.

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