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April 27|2023


I picked up the empty basket and smiled,
"I'd better be going, same time overmorrow?" I asked slipping my arm through the handle of the basket, Howdy nodded as he finished wiping down his counter.

"Yes, Y/n, you know you've been in town for almost two years, and you still haven't introduced yourself to the neighborhood," I felt my face darken and I shifted on my feet as Howdy continued,
"I know you're nervous Y/n, but wouldn't you like more than me to talk to? Don't get me wrong, I love being your best friend, but you seem to need more than just me." Howdy put a hand on my shoulder and I smiled at him and took a deep breath.

"Tell you what Howdy, when I come overmorrow, you can introduce me to a few neighbors, only if you're here too." I felt a little proud, but already felt nervous about meeting the neighbors, Howdys smile was enough to get rid of my nerves and I let out a squeak as Howdy came around the counter and pulled me into a hug.

I melted in his arms and hugged him back, Howdy always gives the best hugs. We pulled away and I began walking out of the shop as Howdy started putting away the various fruits I had brought in. I waved as I walked through the door and bid Howdy goodbye.

As I walked down the gravel path toward the wood I looked up to the sky and took in a deep breath, the air was cool and crisp and the wind carried the smell of wet dirt,
"Glad I didn't water today yet, hopefully, I'll be home before the rain starts." I continued walking and the further away from the town I got, my humming turned into soft singing. By the time I could see my cottage, it was already sprinkling, as I got closer I let my eyes wander and take in the amazing work I had done.

When I first arrived, my cottage was surrounded by overgrown grass, the metal gates surrounding my property were rusty and seemed threatening, and the land around had many bushes and weeds. Now, my property was beautiful, I had trees surrounding the outskirts of my property, lining the walkway up to my cottage were pretty flowers and a white fence surrounded my crops.

I grew many fruits and vegetables, my favorite being the grape vines along the back fences, peeking over my cottage, and around the sides were my fruit trees that always have the best fruits. As I got into my cottage the rain started coming down harder, I hummed and decided to sit by the window and read before making dinner.


??? POV

I shuddered and held my coat close, I could feel my arms getting tired as I held my coat over my head to try and keep the rain from ruining my hair, key word tried. I grumbled as my shoes squished against the muddy pathway, I kept walking and shivered as the rain started to fall harder.

As I took another step, my shoes hit wood instead of muddy gravel, I hummed and looked down as I stepped back. I had stepped on what looked like a sign, I bent down to read the sign that now had my muddy shoe print on it,
Y/n's Cottage

This must be the Y/n Howdy mentioned, she lives all the way out here? I looked around and a few feet ahead there was an archway that was covered in vines with flowers, I picked up the sign and walked over to the archway, though it was dark I could see the cottage ahead, a light was on, and I felt relieved, hopefully, I get to get out of this rain.

I shivered once again and began walking up the path, I felt a little nervous I don't know this Y/n, hopefully, they don't mind letting in a stranger.


"A moment later there was a flash of lightning so long and bright that even through the shutters, it lit the whole kitchen to an unnatural whiteness, and immediately there was a crack of thunder that was the loudest sound Benny had ever heard.

And then the screaming began.

Tom was up and had-" I nearly screamed when I heard knocking, my heart was racing as I set down my book and looked over to my front door, another set of knocks made me jump.

I glanced at the clock, I had been reading for almost two hours, I shook my head and made my way to my front door as another set of knocks came, I opened the door and was surprised when it wasn't Howdy, but some cute guy, with no umbrella and flustered cheeks.

"H-hello. . ." I stuttered out, his hair was a beautiful dark blue and he was covering his head and back with a blue jacket, he had a white button-up and a cute red tie, his pants were stripped with many colors and his shoes were black and white.

"H-hey neighbor, could you let me in?" I gave a nervous smile and nodded as I stepped to the side and opened the door wider to let him in,
"Thanks, neighbor, you really saved me, um my name is Wally, Wally Darling." He held out his hand and I stared at it for a moment before remembering what Howdy had called it, a shaking of hands.

As I lifted my arm to shake his hand, he pulled away,
"Oh, sorry neighbor, I'm dripping water all over your floor-!" Wally took a few steps back and I shook my head.

"Oh no, it's fine actually, look," I excitedly pointed to where he was standing and he followed my gaze to the large half circle of stone and clovers,
"The cobble takes the mud, and the clovers rub off what's left, just give a little shimmy!" Up until now Howdy was the only other person to know about my nice alternative to a welcome mat, I smiled as I stepped back to give Wally some space. Why must I get so close to people?

Wally gave a cute smile and shook like a soaked dog,
"Oh!" I laughed as I brought my hands over my face as water flew, when I didn't feel water I brought down my hands to see him standing there with a smug smile.

"Comfortable?" I asked smiling, he nodded and I held my book close to my chest as I stuck my hand out to Wally,
"My name's Y/n, Wally," Wally shook my hand with a smile and I cleared my throat.

"Would you like something to drink? Or a towel maybe a brush?" I asked when I noticed he was running his fingers through his dark blue hair, Wally nodded,
"Water if you could, a towel and brush sound nice too." Wally smiled and I was off to grab him a towel, as I walked I pointed him toward the kitchen,
"Grab yourself a glass Wally," I opened the door to the bathroom, grabbed a towel from the rack beside the door, and then looked around for my brush. 

Oh, yeah, it's on my bedside table, I reminded myself, I rolled my eyes and walked back out, Wally was pouring some water into a glass and his back was turned to me,
"Here's that towel, I'll be right back with that brush." I smiled and set the towel on the counter, as I made my way to my bedroom I felt my heart flutter as I opened the door.

Howdy's right, it's not too bad having company over, I softly hummed to myself as I grabbed my brush and began walking back to the living room. Wally was standing by my dining table, drying off his hair and humming to himself, he's quite cute, I felt my face start to heat up,
"Got it," He jumped slightly and my smile grew,
"Thank you Miss Y/n~" I looked away, his eyes were intense and I walked away to the kitchen to offer something to eat.

May 4|2023

May 14|2023

I love my cottage-core oc, I hope you enjoy this book of one-shots, requests are open :)

Spread the Spores,


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