Chapter 9 [Their miseries]

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I felt her going stiff as I hugged and her and immediately realised moving back as she asked me how i was !

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I felt her going stiff as I hugged and her and immediately realised moving back as she asked me how i was !

After completing the little convo I was settled on the bed when the attendees announced the arrival of their queen !

And trust me in was hell nervous I have never ever opened up about my past to anyone before and I dont even know how she would react ?

"Naina" I heard her and took a deep breath forcing a smile as I felt her sit beside me and asked the attendees to leave !

"Aap hame bata sakti hai" I heard her say as she kept her hand on my shoulder offering her support and I looked at her directly in her eyes to see just concern in those pure ocean blue eyes of hers !

"My father" I said taking a deep breath looking at my fingers which were fiddling with my dupatta !

"He is abusive" I completed and looked at her to see her yet looking at me in the same way as before no change no judgements nothing and this motivated me to go further and let my heart out !

"I was 5 when my mother passed away she did not live a very happy life either , he used to hit her with chains belts and sometimes even with steel rods ;
But she just loved him to much to complain she never did and that made him worse , he used to rape her every night" I said and shivered as ky mother's screams I had heard from all those nights I would not be able to sleep because of horrer crossed me !

"She was pregnant when one night he come home drunk and used her body like every other time and she lost her child" I said taking a deep breath wiping my tears !

"I was 5 when she died he had hit her with a rod in the head in anger when he came home drunk one night and started slapping me : I was just 5 then who had ran to her father to show him my grades but received this in return ; she tired saving me and died on spot when he hit her" I said taking a deep breath harshly wiping the tears that were flowing from my eyes.

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