Chapter 24

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I am waiting for him in front of the dorm, feeling nervous. I'm wearing a nice pastel pink dress, my loafers and the thighs. The pearls he used in the painting are as usual around my neck, hugging it. Darrel, who's behind me, doesn't seem thrilled that I've forgiven Alec. He's so not thrilled; he even lets out a snort as my date arrives. I was expecting him to come on his motorbike, yet he's driving a car. And not just any car. A very expensive sports car.

As he parks the car and walks out, he's wearing his usual black tux without the shirt, his hair is perfectly styled (and I want to ruffle it) and he's holding a small bag. With my favorite logo on it.

"Hey there, Foxy." he says, as he stops in front of me and stares, as if I am the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. He always does that. And it makes me feel special.

"Hi." I let out, being too nervous to speak. Yet, the curiosity gets the better of me. "Have you honestly bought me Chanel?"

He nods and hands me out the bag. "Just a little something."

I take it, looking at him thankfully, and gasp as I see what's inside. An intense red lipstick. He notices and smirks.

"To help you recreate that painting."

I blush at the possibility of the two of us kissing. I have kissed guys before in my life. I've also had a boyfriend before. When I was sixteen. I even thought he was the one for me. Looking back at it, it all seems so childish. That guy didn't give me half of the feelings I feel with Alec. When he touched me, I felt nervous and insecure. When Alec touches me, I feel like I'm burning. And like I want more.

"So, where are we going?" I ask him, to push the thoughts away. I can already feel my face all warm, which means I must be red.

"It's a surprise." he answers. Then turns to Darrel: "I'm driving her."

Darrel wants to shake his head to disapprove, yet Alec takes my hand and leads me to the car before my bodyguard can say anything. My date opens the car door and gently helps me go inside. Before he closes the door, I can hear Darrel swearing at Alec. Alec only smirks.

As we're driving down the street, I have to ask him something: "What happened to your motorbike?"

He swallows hard and although I can see he doesn't want to answer honest, he still does it: "I burnt it."

I am so shocked that I gasp. He did what?!

"You burnt it?" I ask, still not believing it.

"Yes. It brought up too many painful memories." he answers. Then, quickly asks: "Why? You don't like the new ride? I can change it if you want."

I start shaking my head. "No, I like it. I really like it. It's amazing."

A nervous smile appears on his face, as he hears that. Then, the ride stops, and he hands me another bag from the same brand, he had on the backseat.

"Alec, just because you can buy me Chanel, doesn't mean you actually have to do it." I reply, as he places the bag, which is bigger now, on my lap.

"It is necessary." he says and makes me a sign to open the present. I roll my eyes amused at him and look inside the bag. I find a huge hat and a pair of new sunglasses.

"You won't be recognized." he explains. I give him a thankful smile and put the disguise on. Alec steps out of the car and goes to open my door. He helps me out and holds my hand as we go down the street. All eyes are on us. But this time, they aren't on me. But on him. He realizes I'm nervous, because people are looking, and holds my hand tighter, curling our fingers together. I get butterflies, that he noticed I was nervous.

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