Return of the Fallen Sisters (ACT 1 FINALE)

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"Jake, is that you?"

The certain red husky's fluttered open to see Tony standing over him. Only, they were also amongst a huge battlefield. Dead bodies of both humans and anthros littered everywhere. The smell was too unbearable to handle. "What happened?" asked Jake.

"They, just attacked us, the.....but the humans, they wanted to....." said an exhausted Tony. Just then, they heard a metallic clang from a few dozen meters away. "What was that!?" asked Jake. Tony then began walking away from him, only focused on the sound, or whatever made it.

It took the red husky a minute to stand up and try to recover, but when he did, he heard a scream from Tony. Jake wasted no time in running towards him, trying to help. But when he got there, the poor coyote wasn't lucky.

His eyes were gone and there was a hole in his forehead exposing what was left in there. A larger hole was in his chest, exposing what was left of his organs. Jake thought he was going to be sick, and he almost screamed as well.

Just then though, Jake looked up to see something in the distance, and it wasn't normal. He had some yellow fur on his body, but human skin on the rest, but when he looked to his face, it almost looked like it had split in two. The worst part was that he was covered in blood, and he looked like he was slowly walking towards him.

Jake began to run in the opposite direction, with roaring coming from behind him. The red husky had never been as terrified outside of the explosion or bombings. Just then, he felt himself tripping over a fallen tree and breaking his ankle when he hit the ground.

Jake screamed in pain before he looked back to see the thing coming closer and closer towards him until it leaped onto him and would've struck him in the face with a tendril or six.

Instead, he awoke amongst the many soldiers that he'd been sent out with the day before. This included Jeremiah, Jade, Walter, a whole bunch of guys and girls he didn't know, and then there was him, Tony, Emmett, and Willow.

Jake had no clue on what to expect today, especially when they already had him and the others blow up a bridge. Instead, he'd figure he'd wait for instructions. However, he still couldn't get the nightmare he'd just had. Was that E? June had told her about the encounter sure, but was this some kind of vision of something to come? Jake didn't want to know fully, but he understood being near him was among the most dangerous things imaginable.


"Are you feeling ok, Elliot?" asked Tiffany.

The teen she spoke of soon somewhat awoke, still exhausted from what he'd undergone just half an hour ago. Elliot was still notably groggy and half-asleep, but at least his eyes were opening and he was listening.

"I got you someone, and she's happy to see you," she said.

Elliot was just expecting Rosie, she did remind him of his sister, but he still wanted everything to go back how it was, especially since this life he'd been thrown into had been incredibly horrible at nearly every turn.

"Elliot? It's me, Tabitha. Can you hear me?"

Elliot looked to his left, where the sound came from, and there she was. Tabitha, face and all. " are..........I thought you were....." asked Elliot. Tabitha came closer and just smiled as she wrapped her hands around her brother. Elliot sat up slightly as he hugged back, relieved to see his sister again. He even shed a tear.

"It'll be fine big bro, you got this," said Tabitha. "Thanks, I get that a lot," said Elliot.

But while this went on, Tiffany was outside the room, quietly shedding a tear herself. And for more than one reason.

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