Not afraid (2)

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"Oh my Zhan, have you seen the watch? Look it's already 9 and you never spent this much time with anyone, I wonder why?", Mrs. Xiao teased looking towards the boy who just came inside his house

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?", Zhan asked sitting on the couch beside his mother who chuckled, "I was waiting for you, have you had dinner?", she asked

"I already had with Yibo", he answered leaning back, ", what do you think of Yibo?", Mrs. Xiao asked carefully watching Zhan, who softly smiled thinking the earlier things, "No words can utter how beautiful and lovely he is..first I fell for his face, but now I am falling deeply with his personality, I just love that boy so much", he explained everything unconsciously towards his mother, who secretly grinned and was shocked as hell, as this was the first time Zhan had ever talked about someone like this, in his whole life till now, he never opened his feelings like this, he never felt this much love for anyone but Yibo, that boy is a different case

" I can't wait to see Yibo..we'll go tomorrow and make the final decision now for Your and Yibo's marriage..I'm so happy", she uttered stroking her son's head, who shook his head as no, "No, I can see that he needs time mom..just for my happiness, we can't ignore his happiness..from loving someone I got to know that how much we want that person to be happy, even if we're not happy by the decision they want to make, but just seeing them smiling the most beautiful thing we ever get to know", he explained everything very sincerely like Yibo is his lost love from his previous life, Mrs. Xiao was listening everything very carefully, she was very happy that Zhan is experiencing his first ever and truest love ever, she can feel that he loves Yibo more than anything by just hearing what her son is saying

"Don't you think it'll be late if you just keep giving him time?", Mrs. Xiao asked softly, "Don't worry mom, little by little I'll make him fall in love with me, like I fell for him", he answered right away also understanding what his mother meant and he also cares for the boy this much that he refuse to see him hurt and marry him forcefully, he respects him more than anything

"Alright, I'm going to sleep now", he stood up from the couch, "Good night dear have a sweet dreams", she uttered smiling widely, Zhan just nodded his head in response and walked towards his room to sleep, Mrs. Xiao stared at his fading figure and she too went towards her and her husband's room

At Morning

"What? The work isn't finished yet? What do you mean?.........I told you yesterday to make it finish, but you dared to disobey me?"

"Why is brother shouting early in the morning?", Cheng asked as he could here the shout coming from his brother's room towards the dining hall, "I don't know, maybe again some business problems came", Mrs. Xiao replied giving him a wary look

"Poor workers will again have a hard day today", Cheng uttered eating his breakfast quietly, Mrs. Xiao poured a water for Mr. Xiao, who was also there in the dining hall and eating the breakfast and was quite all the time

Zhan came there looking very fierce, like he would go and murder everyone in his office, Cheng looked at him and gulped hard, "What happened son?", Mr. Xiao voiced out gazing at the boy who didn't gave a answer and sat on the chair, Mrs. Xiao glanced towards him and came there adding a food on his plate, "Don't overwork yourself Zhan", she uttered giving him the food, who quietly started eating

Everyone became silent now, as they knew this personality of Zhan, who's quiet and looking peaceful from the outside but the Volcano is bursting out in the inside and no body will dare to open that, because he only punishes who is at a fault, but when is irritated and meddled by other one then he will burst out all the anger also in that person

They all were eating quietly when suddenly Zhan's phone again rang indicating someone is calling him, he irritatedly took it out from the pocket and answered without seeing who called, "Boss, something came up", the other line spoke quickly as soon as he answered

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