Chapter 41: Rain

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I never thought I'd end up with someone like Acker

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I never thought I'd end up with someone like Acker.

But I have to say, I don't mind it. Mainly because he's making me breakfast half-naked and I can watch him from the table.

At this rate, I'll have my lips bitten off. But I can't stop.

He looks yummy.

And he's mine.

My boyfriend. For several days already.

I already told Julie, who was even more excited than I was, and promised to come sometime and give her the details.

"I was thinking we could go somewhere."

"In this weather?" I frowned because it's raining outside like it hasn't rained in years and the rain wants to catch up with everything at once.

"I didn't mean outside, but away from the city. It would do us good." He said while putting the eggs on the plates.

"And where do you want to take me, Mr. Acker?" I laughed as he placed a plate in front of me and sat down.

"Anywhere you want." He shrugged.

"Sounds good." I ate the first bite. "Las Vegas can be cool."

"Too many people." He shook his head with his mouth full.

"So if you don't want people, we'll go to the Sahara."

He looked at me irritated and I just laughed.

"We'll think about it when we're full. I can't think when I'm hungry."

"I noticed." I hit him on the shoulder, which made him laugh.

"Idiot." But I couldn't stop smiling.

While we ate we joked like we were an old couple. I can't believe this is the guy I couldn't stand a few months ago. It's unreal.

After we finished eating, we moved to the living room and decided to spend the day there. The weather hasn't calmed down yet and I have a feeling that we won't see the sun today.

Sometimes I fell asleep during the show, and when I woke up, Acker was so distracted that he didn't even notice me staring at him.

I should stop it.

I slowly straightened up, which caught his attention. "Where are you going?" He asked as I pulled away from him.

"Toilet." I laughed. "Calm down." I patted his shoulder and threw off the blanket that he probably covered me with since I wasn't wearing it when I fell asleep.

When I was done, I stood in front of the mirror. I was looking at the person who was looking back at me and I didn't recognize them.

I'm snuggling on the couch with a guy who isn't just a one-off. There is something more between us and feelings got involved.

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