Book 2: My Lord Saves the Citizens - Chapter 39

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As Liam began his work, bringing out his first aid kit from his storage pouch, Grandma Liz and some of the other women came close to watch. But of course, it was dim with only a few candles to brighten the place, so they could barely see. Liam retrieved a portable crystal lamp and switched it on, turning the dial to high. Instantly, the cottage was flooded with brightness, and everyone gasped, stunned.

This light was nothing like a delicate flame of the candle or bonfire. This was the type of light they had never seen before. It gave out so much brightness, almost on par of a summer day and spread so wide.

Liam turned to the crowd and said, "I'm sorry if it's too bright, but I need to be able to see the patient's wound to work properly."

"What a marvelous lamp," one woman said.

"Is it magic, young man?" Grandma Liz asked.

"It's just a crystal lamp, Granny," Liam said. "I'm going to start inspecting Grant's wound now."

Grandma Liz nodded, and Liam began his work.

On the other side of the room, Connor said to Derek, "Is there a shed where we can keep the horses out of the elements?"

Derek nodded, his eyes on Liam giving Grant a small white pill and then undoing his brother's bandages. What were those box things with the red crosses? he wondered. And what was that pill?

"We have a shed at the back of the cottage where we used to keep our horses," Derek said. Horses that had been slaughtered by those bastard raiders, along with all their livestock.

"Good," Connor said. To the others, he asked, "Are there any able men around?"

Derek asked, "Do you need help with something?"

Connor nodded. "Just to bring in a few things."

Three men got up as volunteers, and Connor led them, along with Derek, outside. In front of the cottage just a few steps away, Derek saw crystal light here, too, which came from the lamp hanging on the side of the carriage. Because it was so bright, Derek could clearly see the details of the carriage, the likes of which he had never seen before.

How in heaven did Norsewood even acquire such a large, extravagant vehicle. Was it from the capital? He flicked his eyes to the horses next, and instantly, he felt his knees go weak. Bless the deities, but he had never seen such perfectly healthy, fit, and so very beautiful horses in his life until now.

He had the sudden desire to inspect the animal, run his hands through the coat, and feel the muscles, but Connor's voice came his way, drawing his attention, as well as the other men, who were obviously just as awestruck at the sight of the carriage and horses.

"Let's get the supplies," Connor said.

Derek and the men followed Connor to the back of the carriage where they met another soldier, Kevin, already unloading the boxes.

"These are only sleeping bags and jackets," Kevin said to the men.

"They don't need anything else until they're at Norsewood Lodge," Connor said.

Derek wanted to know what the sleeping bags were, but he suspected he'd find out soon enough. He was indeed very intrigued with the name Norsewood Lodge as he had never heard of it before.

He asked, "Norsewood Lodge?"

Connor said, "It's a temporary shelter Lady Quinn created for us Norsewood people until we can rebuild our homes again."

"A temporary shelter," Derek said. It must be a hall made of wood and straw like any other shelter, he suspected. But to have everyone fit into such a hall? Surely, there were at least a few hundred people already living there.

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