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September 12th, 2022
Salem Black

Rylee Fan Club

Why did you
feel as though
a text was the
best way to relay
this information
to me, Raven?

Ashy Knees 🫶🏾
I told her not
to! We were
gonna do it
tomorrow in

Bird Bitch
I'm sorry! I
couldn't keep
the secret any

The seven year old
kept the secret
longer that you!
Aren't you embarrassed

Bird Bitch
I'm not. I feel
great actually

Ashy Knees 🫶🏾
Baby, what you
did was stupid.
You shouldn't
feel "great"

You loved "Baby, what you did was stupid. You shouldn't feel "great"

Im not even
surprised to be
honest. She could
never keep a secret

Bird Bitch
Alright I'm starting
to feel personally
attacked so let's
cut this out

Ashy knees 🫶🏾
You should

I gotta go pick
up my kids from
music. Ray, this
conversation isn't
over !!!

Bird Bitch
This is bullying 😔

Ashy Knees 🫶🏾
Go be a teacher.

Bird Bitch
Aye aye captain 🫡

I've known Raven since I was eighteen years old. Fresh out of high school eighteen years old so I'd like to think I've known her long enough to know what her strengths and weaknesses are.

Her biggest strength is her communication skills and her biggest weakness is definitely not being able to keep a secret.

I turned my phone off, grabbed my behavior stick and left to the music room. I'd say it was pretty far from the classroom but I just like to use it as my workout for the day.

Once I got to said music room I was met with a tired looking music teacher and a set of energetic children. At least I know they'll be ready to learn.

"How were they today, Mrs. Brody?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in her direction.

"Behavior wise they were great! Lots of energy." She beamed.

"That's wonderful! Everyone line up. You have a good day, Gloria." I smiled.

"You as well, Miss Black."

As we took the journey back to the classroom I was noticing how some of them were a little to energetic. Maybe them having this much energy wasn't a good thing.

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