The Sentence

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It wasn't the first time Ramona had landed herself in Principal Davis's office. But it was the first time she had been called in for anything other than some sort of academic award or praise. Today was different. Yes, Ramona was in trouble. And maybe you couldn't tell by the grin on her face but you perhaps could tell by the blood dripping from her knuckles. Ramona and Principal Davis had been staring at each other for a solid two minutes. Principal Davis rubbed his hands together while frowning, Ramona on the other hand sat in the chair across the desk with a manic smile on her face and her hands falling by her sides.

He finally broke the silence, "I hope you know I'm very disappointed in you."

"And I hope you know she deserved it."

Let's go back to when this all started.

12 pm - Lunch

Ramona Ainsley Bell was not known for her jokes by many. The high school junior had a total of two friends, Briar Ramirez and Jamie Anderson. She rarely spoke to others and always had a cold gaze. Ramona had straight black hair that fell just below her collarbones. She cut her own straight across bangs in the school bathroom freshman year. Ramona was sarcastic in her own way that most people didn't get. Most people just don't get her. But it's not like she hates everyone. Well not everyone

but definitely Ashley Dunn.

Ramona, Briar, and Jamie were sitting at a secluded table under a shady tree in the courtyard. That's what Ashley came over.

"Hey freaks!" She said with the fakest smile planted on her face. Ashley clicked her tongue. "Ram, didn't know it was time for the traveling circus to come to town! I see you're planning to audition?" Ramona tightlined her eyes with black eyeliner that she extended less than half an inch past the corner of her eye.

"Wow! You're just so funny, aren't you? At least I didn't leave the house with unblended highlighter." Ramona retorted.

Ashley just laughed, "Anyways, as president of the Sustainable Fashion Club, I need you guys to sign my petition to create a sewing class for upcycling donated clothing."

No one could deny that. The three of them signed the petition. When Ramona looked down to scrawl her name she could see Ashley pull out her phone and wipe at the white lines on her nose. Score. Ramona placed the pen down in top of Ashley's sparkly clipboard and pushed it over to where Ashley was standing.

"Thanks!" Ashley said as she picked up her clipboard. She gave them another fake smile, her eyes squinting with distaste. She turned with a flip of her long blonde hair and began to walk in the direction of the cafeteria.

Ashley turned back around, "By the way Briar, I didn't know that being a fucking slut was a style now! I guess it's probably because of some problem at home or just a genetic need for male attention or some other mess up psychological shit. It's different! Good on you for being.. unique! Toodles!"

"Romi, don't" Briar mumbled. She put a hand on Ramona's shoulder but she was already pushing herself up with both of her hands. She followed Ashley with long strides.

Ramona tapped Ashley's shoulder twice.

Ashley whipped her head around, "What do you want no-" Ramona's fist connecting with her jaw cut her off before she could finish her question. When Ramona swung again it was her nose. When the blood dripped to the floor and Ashley ran, Ramona started to smile.

Back to now - 1pm

"Ms. Dunn will be punished accordingly for her words but what she said did not warrant you breaking her nose." Principal Davis sighed as he dragged his hand over his face. "Look since you have the highest GPA in your grade and have a perfectly clean record your punishment will not be nearly what you need. Detention every day for a month."

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