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Inside a surveillance room, the school's military staff lined among numerous monitors as they seriously gave both merit and demerit to each team with stern faces. However, even the coldest face couldn't help but crack when the doors to the surveillance room opened with a swoosh and in came a walking iceberg of a man wearing uniform.

The iceberg, Instructor Bryce, gave a quick glance at the holographic monitors displaying various scores and live footage of the survival pre-test he had hosted for the first year students. He uttered no word and yet even the trained staff couldn't help but feel the cold sweat dripping down their backs.

Despite their dignified countenance, they were actually giving internal sighs of relief when the instructor chose to walk past their station instead of linger. Those that have not been passed by yet by the instructor could only give empty stares at their monitoring screens while their attention was elsewhere. Admittedly, this presence alone helped hone a lot of the staff's attentiveness and reaction speed; almost as if their eyes were attached to the back of their head instead of the front.

Although they were now dependable military people who had proven their strengths in several occasions, they were once like the students in the screens right now and the instructor was once their teacher observing them like lab rats in an experiment and serving them terror after terror of torturous training in the guise of 'tests' and 'classes'. This was the infamous reputation of the instructor. The staff almost felt sympathetic for the students, if only the feeling of relief at having graduated already was not stronger than that sympathy.

Suddenly, the main subject of attention stopped in his tracks and turned his sight sharply.

The personnel in front of the gaze gasped in misfortune.

Instructor Bryce squinted, his eyebrows frowning.

The personnel trembled, feeling lightheaded as his shaky eyes desperately tried to focus on the screen.

"You—", the instructor had started when all of a sudden, the personnel's eyes shook so hard that they rolled to back of his head and he fell backwards.

Instructor Bryce: ....I haven't even said anything yet.

The other staff on standby took out a stretcher and took the anemic man away.

Bryce silently took his tablet and inspected it.

"Instructor, allow me", another person on standby wanted to take over the job of scoring.

"No need", Bryce said as he moved his sight to a monitor displaying one of the lowest ranking teams. "We're all colleagues here."

The person looked reluctant for a moment before going back.

Eyes fixated on the screen, Bryce remembered the students being shown, especially the serious and intelligent student surnamed Chen.

These students were the first students to jump down, and although Chen WangZhi tried to make himself look ridiculous as he was dragged out the carrier craft, he knew it could have been a carefully crafted mask to hide and protect himself from being targeted as the brains of the team. Such tactics were common but not to be underestimated.

However, the staff's good impressions could only last for so long. Through the surveillance drones, the staff could not help but have the impression that they did not properly utilize their time advantage and got taken over by other teams that prioritized finding and guarding survival posts to earn points in steadfast manner. It wasn't a lie to say that the staff monitoring them had been extremely hopeful in the beginning but is now has the look of someone who has given up and is now scouting for better teams to watch.

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