Chapter Fifteen: Happy Death Day

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My fist hesitates inches away from the stained wood of Sarah's door

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My fist hesitates inches away from the stained wood of Sarah's door. To knock, or not to knock? That is certainly the question.

    "You're being pathetic," I whisper to myself. But sometimes, being pathetic is easier. Especially when it comes to an angry, vengeful spirit who would sooner murder me in my sleep than accept my olive branch.

    But I remember what Death said about all of the spirits here when they were still having lunch in the kitchen, how they never knew real kindness when they were alive. Can I blame Sarah for being prickly? I try to put myself in her shoes. If someone had unexpectedly burst into my home, into my life, I wouldn't be very happy about it either.

    Before I can truly lose my nerve, I rap against Sarah's door. Immediately I cringe, imagining what she might say when she opens it to see me on the other side. But she doesn't open the door. Instead, I hear her call out, "It's unlocked."

    Sarah's bedroom is still as pink and frilly as it was the first night I stayed here, which makes her dark scowl all the more out of place. She stands up from the small desk chair in the corner, folding her arms across her chest. Behind her on the desk there is a fountain pen and an open book; perhaps a diary. "What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be cozying up to Death."

    "I won't keep you long." I take a deep breath and ignore her barbed comment. The smile I force onto my face crumbles at the edges like old paint. "I wanted to let you know that I forgive you."

    Sarah's dark brows nearly disappear into her violet hair. "You forgive me?"

    "Yes, for haunting me last night." I nod graciously. "I won't hold it against you."

"I don't believe this."

"I understand that I've invaded your space without warning, but you don't have to worry about me. I'll stay out of your way as much as possible while I'm renovating the mansion, and then I'll be gone. You don't have to worry about me getting in between you and Death, okay?"

Sarah blinked once. Twice. "What do you mean 'getting between me and Death?'"

"Well..." Now it's my turn to be uncomfortable. "You have a...thing...with him, don't you? I mean, it's none of my business, but I just want you to know that I'm not trying to get in the middle of that."

I feel like the biggest fool in the world as Sarah doubles over with a wheezing laugh, slapping her palms on her thighs. Her laughter is the cruel, mocking kind. I've heard it all my life.

"What?" I demand, my patience waning.

"God, you're a real idiot, aren't you? Of course I'm not dating Death. I'm fucking gay." She gestures to her nose ring, then to her close-cropped hair, as if that should have set my gaydar on high alert.

Oh God. I really am an idiot.

"I-I'm sorry, I just..." I huff, shame turning my face beet-red. For the first time, I wish that I was dead so that I could disappear through the floor. "I don't understand why you hate me so much, then. I haven't done anything to you, and you've been nothing but an asshole."

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