CH 39

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Camilla's POV

Matteo raises an eyebrow at Aspen as I smirk.

"She, is your Luna Queen and I see you still refuse to respect me. You still refuse to admit that I am the mate of your Alpha and for what? Because you want the power and be the Luna Queen?"

Aspen glares hard at me.

"Shut up! I won't submit to you because you are a fake! I am the real Luna Queen! You got in my way and I should've killed you when I first saw you." She growls

Matteo growl at her blunt disrespect, she visibly flinches but goes back to glaring at me.

"You still have the guts to compete with me when you're rotting in there?" I laugh humorlessly, "You are something else."

Aspen turns to Matteo, pleading.

"Please, please let me go. I am your rightful mate. Don't let her brainwash you!"

Matteo raises an eyebrow, "My rightful mate?" He scoff, "What a joke. You reek of desperation, stop embarrassing yourself before I change my mind about being merciful."

"Merciful? What do you mean?" Aspen asks

"You are banished from this pack and will live as a rogue till you die. No other pack will be allowed to take you in as you committed treason." Levi tells her

"What?! Banished?! Treason?! Matteo please! Don't let this lowlife mutt of a whore get into your head! Yo-"

"What. Did. You. Say?" Matteo slowly says, taking threatening steps closer to her cell.

Levi and Matteo start to growl at Aspen for her disrespect towards me.

"Good job screwing up your only chance at surviving life." I say, rolling my eyes

"Aspen, you won't be banished anymore. You are hereby subject to death. You have crossed the line too many times and I have been too patient and shown you mercy, but it ends today." Matteo says with a hard look on his face.

All colors drain from her face.

"No.. no, please I-"

Levi calls the guard over to open the cell door. Standing behind a pleading Aspen, Matteo gives his signal and he snaps her neck. She drops to the ground lifeless, the guard drags her body out as I exhale the breath I've been holding. Matteo comes towards me and pulls me in a hug as he felt my emotions.

"It's all over now." Matteo whispers and inhales my scent

I nod. We all went back up and come face to face with Gina, who's smirking victoriously by the door.

"What happened to showing mercy?"

"She was testing my patience and went too far." Matteo grumbles

"I never knew she was that delusional." Levi says

"Maybe she wasn't always that way.." I trail off

"What are you saying?" Matteo asks me

I could feel him getting upset that it seems like I'm defending Aspen for her actions.

"Maybe she was actually a decent person before she got rejected by her mate and turned into who she is." I say

"That is possible." Levi murmurs, seemingly thinking back

Matteo grumbles, "I would know if one of my people got rejected."

"No, you won't. Nobody tells anyone they got rejected, it's humiliating. You don't know how much people would talk and how rumors would go out of hand if people knew."

Matteo doesn't say anything but keeps his eyebrows furrowed. I sigh as Gina shrugs her shoulders before leaving with her mate.


Aspen's POV (19 years old)

Millie, Milo, and I went racing to the neutral land between our pack and another. I let out a wolfish laugh as I'm right ahead of them, I've always been the fastest among the three of us but they are a year older than me. I jump mid-air and land on my two feet as I shift mid-air. The twins shift back into their human body and  catches their breath as they see me steadily land on my feet.

"Way to be extra, Pen." Millie says

"You're fast and better than us, we get it." Milo says, rolling his eyes

"I didn't say it, you did. Thank you." I say as I bow

Millie and Milo are twins and the Delta's kids. We became friends when we were in grade school, they protected me from bullies whenever they would come and pick on me. When they turned 18, Milo found his mate but Millie didn't. She wasn't that sad about it but she was a little envious of her brother.

We walk into out go-to bistro for some comforting food and I immediately smell an intoxicating scent. I froze as I realize I'm about to meet my mate.

"Guys." I call

I feel their eyes on me.

"I think I found my mate." I say


My eyes search for his, and they finally land on him, but something felt different. Without another word, he comes marching to me. My lips turned into a smile as I'm about to become whole with my mate.

But I was wrong.

With his hard, glaring eyes looking straight at me, he uttered the words I never thought I'd hear from him.

"I, Daniel of White Eclipse, reject you as my mate."

My whole world shattered, my heart was breaking into pieces.

"W-what? But.. you don't even know me yet." I say

"All I know is you aren't an Alpha's daughter or even remotely close to that." He says harshly, "I'm also in love with someone else and she's going to be my mate. Not you."

With a final glare, he leaves me all broken. My wolf whimpers in pain and shuts off our connection as I was slowly slipping into depression. I didn't know him at all but he was already my whole world, my other half.

Millie and Milo both glare and growl at my mate the whole time as I was slowly going close to my sadness. They help me go back home and do anything to comfort me, but I shut them off. I let them do what they want as I was too numb to say or do anything.

A year passes and I was slowly doing okay. I no longer feel the bond as it was already severely damaged for me to feel anything. Something changed for me when I decided to get back on my feet. My sadness turned into hatred and anger.

How dare he reject me for another? And just because I'm not an Alpha's daughter?

As I let my hatred and anger for my mate consume me, I let myself and my sanity go and target every male in our pack. I didn't care if they are mated or not and I didn't care if it doesn't make sense why I would sleep with every male I see. I was already an empty shell filled with hatred and couldn't see things clearly. I just wanted to fill my loneliness and prove I'm worth it.

Every compliment after I rocked their world and make it impossible for them to forget me and every reject I give after, it fueled my pride.

I was amazing, I was worth it.

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