Chapter 15

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The present: Vik's cabin


Vikramaditya opened the door and before he could say anything, his friend barged in, complete with his train of thought. Nothing Vikramaditya wasn't used to.

Aarush asked, "Why didn't you tell me your photographer was Maahi?"

Vikramaditya responded, closing the door, "Our caterer is Hariram."

Aarush paused and turned around with a ludicrous expression on his face.

"What? Why are you telling me that?"

With a straight face, Vikramaditya replied, "Same reason I should have told you who our photographer was."

Aarush rolled his eyes at that and sat down on the sofa with a flourish.

Vik closed the door and walked over to sit opposite to his friend.

"Are you speaking of Maahi Mehra?"

Aarush looked lost in thought. He then slowly looked up and nodded.

Vik replied, "I didn't know she was booked until today. We have another photographer too." He then looked at Aarush who still seemed to be thinking about her.

"Do you know her?" Vik asked.

Aarush smiled at that.

"Yeah! We were friends in college. Isn't she really big now? How did you even get her to shoot your wedding? I heard Naina was involved."

Vikramaditya chuckled and said, "Yeah. Kajal told me she just marched into Maahi's office when she somehow found out that there was an opening in her schedule and worked her magic. I've long since maintained that she's your long-lost twin."

Aarush frowned and asked, "What? Why?"

Vik scoffed and said, "Your insane ability to charm people into doing your bidding. She's like that too."

Aarush shook his head and leaned back, thinking of Maahi. He hadn't seen her since college. Was it graduation when he saw her last? He hadn't attended any of the reunions since either so it was probably then. It was...such a blast from the past. He wanted to talk to her again. Catch up. Really know what she was up to. But weddings were such a chaotic affair. Then he remembered something. A plan began to formulate quickly in his mind.

He looked sideways at Vik and said, "Have you asked your other photographer to come for the morning thing tomorrow?"

Vik looked at him with a ridiculous expression on his face. Aarush smiled and said, "Excellent."

Vik put out a hand and said, "What are you planning, Aarush?"

Aarush let out a big smile.

"We need a photographer, Vik. It is an important event."

"It's a very small affair. Just the three of us know about it so far, you know this."

Aarush sat up straight and said, "Vik, come on. Don't you want Kajal to remember that moment? It needs to be documented in order for that to happen."

Vik bit his lip in thought. He replied absently, "I don't know if Maahi will agree though. I don't know her at all. I have just seen her work once when Naina insisted on her."

Aarush waved a hand casually and smiled.

"Leave it to me."

Author's Note: LOL

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