chapter eight

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"Am I in love with you?

Or am I in love with the feeling?

                                           - THE FEELING


Y/N's POV:

"It's okay Jungkook,"

"No, it's not, my first impression was shit as fuck," he said as he hugged me more.

"Ju-ng-kook, I ca-n't br-ea-the," I croaked as he let me out.

"Let's start again, shall we?" he asked to which I nodded.

"I am Jeon Jungkook and you are?" he said with a smile as he put his hand out.

"I am Kang Y/n, nice to meet you," I said as I put my hand in his. It moulded together. Like a missing puzzle.

"Nice to meet you too," said Jungkook as he bowed down and kissed my hand a million butterflies busted in my stomach.

"YAH! QUIT BEING ROMEO AND JULIET AND GET YOUR ASSES ON BED!" shouted Yoongi as he glared at the both of us and entered his room.

That's when I realized beside me on the left was Yoongi's bed and then on the right was Jungkook's and opposite to mine was Hoseok's.

"It is for your safety, at times there are hellhound attacks and many demonic spirits' possessions, even though there are many magic spells and webs cast in this house in many corners and around the house, it is again for safety. I and Taehyung used to sleep down next to the main door as we are the powerful amongst us. But now only Taehyung," said Jungkook.

I nodded as I took all the information.

"Just if you wake up at night, and see any blue eyes staring at you from outside from the windows, know that it's a blue demon spirit, trying to protect you, which is cast by Yoongi, the most powerful cast," said Jungkook.

"Okay, then good night, my eyes are starting to get heavy," I said as Jungkook chuckled.

"Have a restful night. Today must have been a long day with a lot to take in," he remarked to which I nodded.

"Okay then," he said.

But an action of mine, which I don't know why I did and why I chose to put I pulled him by his shirt hands and pecked on his cheek.

"Have a good night kookie," I whispered as I left him and closed the door.

I could only hear the wooden floors creak and the door next to shut a whole two minutes later.

I giggled like a high school girl but then slapped myself back to reality.

He is a demon and I am a human.

Perhaps, can I crush on him?

He crossed up all the needs of my type in boys. He is sexy, he has wavy hair, he is cool, he has brains, he understands, he is clever, and he knows when to get too flustered.

Oh my God!

Jungkook can read my mind!

I slapped myself as I crawled back to bed.


I couldn't help but smile at Y/n's thoughts. I seriously wouldn't mind her falling for me.

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