26- don't move

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"... You're still my wife, after all"

Did he just-

Right. Felix' lie.

Your eyes widened at his words, not really sure what to answer him. But it seemed like Hyunjin wasn't interested in an answer. No, he seemed way more interested in something else.

He came closer and closer, one of his hands leaving the wall, cupping your cheek. You were able to feel his hot breath on your lips, when you lifted your own hands, one wrapping around his neck, the other one on his chest, feeling his own heart racing just as much as yours.

Just when your lips were finally about to meet, you heard laughter from behind you.

"Told you", a voice behind you commented.

Both of you turned around in shock, Hyunjin reacting with the speed of light, already having his gun pointed at the people behind you.

But with the same speed he pulled his gun out, he put it away as soon as he saw who was behind you.

Felix and Mikyeong were leaning on the wall behind you, both with a big smirk plastered over their faces.

"I also said they would get back together", Mikyeong commented, "Just didn't expect them to get that nasty right away"

"Do me a favor and get lost", Hyunjin groaned, clearly annoyed by them interrupting your moment.

"Come on Mikyeong, we should give them their moment", Felix agreed, but Mikyeong stopped him.

"I would but... Minho will be here in about 10 minutes and we should really get going. Hyunjin I think you really pissed him of enough"

Hyunjin groaned again. "Where?"

"Secret landing field"

He sighed and turned around to you, looking you in the eyes.

"You should come with us"

"What?! No way!", Felix protested but Hyunjin interrupted him.

"He is not Chan. He won't do anything to her. Plus, I would rather have her with me than leaving her alone in this... village"

Before anyone could disagree with him, he already grabbed your hand and dragged you away from the scene, probably where you two were supposed to meet Minho.

But turned out that wasn't necessary anymore, since Minho suddenly stood right in front of you, looking quite surprised.

"Surprise", Hyunjin murmured.

Minho blinked a few times, before he seemed to recover from his slight shock.

"Well this kind of messed with my plans since I expected you to be dead Y/n, but...", he sighed and turned to Hyunjin, "we should have a talk"

Hyunjin glared at Minho, before he turned around to you.

"Don't. Move", he told you before he let go of your hand, following his Hyung.

Since they didn't go too far, you were still able to watch them discussing. Of better said, arguing, since they both seemed to be quite pissed.

After what felt like an eternity, both males nodded at each other, before they... hugged? And Hyunjin walked back to you.

"Hey Baby", Hyunjin whispered as he hugged you tight, "might staying in Japan- at least for a while?", he asked, completely taking you by surprise.

"W-What?", you stuttered, "what about the gang?"

"I would... still have to do something since I can't just leave but... I promise I'll keep it low and won't put you in danger anymore. I love you"

A smile formed on your lips as soon as he said that. Sounded like a compromise.

"And the rest? Felix? Mikyeong?"

"God Y/n stop worrying about the others", he groaned and looked at you, "what do you think?"

The look in his eyes suddenly grew worried as you started to smile even brighter and nodded.

Hyunjin flashed a big smile and pulled you in a tight hug, placing a kiss on your forehead.

"This is our Happy End"

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