Convention Part 4

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After that fiasco that Tomura did. They all looked around a bit more. Izuku trying his best to get autographs from all the heros he could find.

While Tomura stayed very closed by his mothers side glaring at any intruders who dare get close.

Aizawa still hasn't been able to shot his shot. The Midoriya Family where close to some stage with a bunch a people standing around it.

"Mommy do you think we can see All Might ? " Izuku question to his mother. (Y/n) thought for a bit. There where to many people olviosly and the chances of meeting or even seeing All Might are slim. Seconds later from that moment a large and tall man did a superhero landing on the stage podium .

His cape floated behind him as he gave a large smile with his pearly white teeth.

"NEVER FEAR FOR I AM HERE !!!!" The whole cround cheered and scream at the sight of the number one hero. Izuku was no exception as his eyes became wider and he jumping up and down.

Tomura just rolled his eyes and sign as he tried to keep Izuku steady.

(Y/n) blink slowly as she stared at the man waving at the crowed who chanted his name.

"Well that was quick " she shrughs it of picking up both Tomura and Izuku as they got a slightly higher view of the the pro hero.

Besides him where five other heros. A man whos face was covered in flames. A tall blond man in a full jean outfit . A large orca male , the one and only All Might and fat gum . Izuku was being a total fan boy and shakes his mom all happy and exited , as Tomura just looks done.

"Mama it's All might , Endeavor, Best jeanist , Gang Orca and Fat gum !! " Izuku squeals as he shakes his mom back and forth , Tomura hits izukus head softly telling him to stop shaking mom.

"We can see that , stop shaking mom , she's getting dizzy " Tomura scolded as Izuku stuck his tongue out at him , making (y/n) laughs Softly as she picks the two up for they can get a better look at the heros as everyone cheers as they see they're favorite heros.

Fat gum smiles at the crowd as he sees the same (h/c) woman , with a blue haired boy and a green hairs child . There eyes interlock as he gave a smile and waves her direction.

(Y/n ) eyes widen softly as she  smiles seeing him on the stage and nod since she couldn't use her hands to  wave but that didn't stop Tomura from doing it , while Izuku did it as well but with more energy.

All might also saw the Same woman he saved the last time with her two children. The green one looks exited while the blue haired one looks like he wants to leave. Midnight grumbled off stage with Eraserhead and Mic as she saw Fat gum waving at the milf.

"How the hell can he get the green light from the blue gremlin but we get denied !? " Midnight grumbled as she crosses her arms under her chest as she glares at fat gum.

"Curse his cute attraction " Midnight groans as she leans on Mic who's chuckling softly.

"Maybe the Milf is interested in chubby guys ? " Mic suggested as Eraserhead shakes his head at the duo.

"Or the kid just doesn't like us and prefers Fat gum? " Eraserhead said as she takes a look at the (h/c ) woman carrying her children.

Tomura felt eyes on them as he sees the trio he doesn't like at all as he leans closer to his mother glaring at them as he makes a slicing throat movement at them.

"Yeah the kid doesn't like us at all " Eraserhead mumbled as he looks at the duo .

"That gremlin is gate keeping us ! How dare he !!" Midnight screams as she slightly pulls her hair.

"Maybe the woman's married and her kids don't want any man besides there father ? " Mic gave a logical explanation on the little gremlins behavior.  Midnight glares as Eraserhead looks at him.

"I don't / didn't see a ring on her fingers ?! " They both said together, but Eraserheads tone was more town down than Midnight's . Mic just shrugs as he takes a look at Fat gum.

"All I know now is that fat gum is winning and the man ain't even trying so not cool. ".He whines as he puts an arm on Eraserhead shoulders. " All I want is for my boy Shota not to be a forever alone guy with cats for a living. "

Eraserhead's eye twitch slightly as he glared at the blond as he pushes Mic off him.

"Quit that !"

Midnight then walks toward the duo and gets in the middle of the two putting her arms around them .

" You think we should tell Fat gum if he can introduce us if he gets close to her again ? ". She suggested.

"What makes you think he will even do that , or even go to her again ? ". Eraserhead questions as she slightly shoves midnight away from his face.

Midnight just shrugs. " worth a shot don't ya think? " Mic nodded as she remembers something.

"Wait didn't the kid gave him something? A slip of paper no ? " . Midnight tilts her head slowly towards Mic as she lets go of Aizawa and shakes the poor blond.

"You give us this information now !!?" She yelled out at mic who now looks dizzy.

The duo was just acting the fool as Aizawa looks back at the (h/c) woman . Who was smiling softly at her children. Tomura got slightly irritated with Izuku and Leans toward him giving (y/n ) a side view of other heros behind the stage.

Her (e/c) eyes gave a soft doe like look as she looks at the fighting duo and hobo hero . She remberers him also from the incident but she doesn't know his hero name, Izuku might so she will ask later .

The two kinda interlock a gaze before Tomura puts his hands on her face .

"Mom , tell izuku that All Might is over rated "

"He is not " Izuku retorded back as she puffs out his chubby cheeks and Tomura sticks his tongue out. (Y/n ) signs as she sakes her head at the duo but smiles at them.

With Aizawa he was slightly in a trance the woman was innocent looking like a kitten in a way , but he shakes those thoughts away as he stares back at the duo. He won't deny his heart did skip a beat but it was in the way when you see something cute.... That's what he hopes for anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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