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Open me like autopsies like I do to your psyche.

Your lips make incessions, so mark me lightly.

The precession of your words are what excite me.

There's no way to change the course and way

The aortas find the heart. It's just your right to pray the cholesterol away.

I know that no one listens and they add a stick of butter anyway.

I'll be watching destruction.

Reality is that no one is good enough to run away from death.

She could be a sprinter or distance runner.

She'll just pretend she isn't for the sake of your ego.

No one knows how far she'll go.

She could make your life flash before your eyes for a reason.

There's no escaping the final destination.

So sit back and play the game she has set for you.

Enjoy what's left of the show.

Let her be the queen's gambit

And make her think you're friends so you'll see past sixty.

But don't become her lover because she's fierce.

She could be obsessive if you let her.

And you'll be found like Valdaro.

She'll be watching destruction.

But its okay as long as she's with you.

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