39. the Devil's weakness

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Blake's POV:

"Sign the papers, Violet." Four words.

I watch as her mouth opens, but no words seem to come out.

I watch as she gets up and searches for water, probably because her throat is dry.

I watch as she struggles to stand on her feet.

I watch as I break her heart.

My brother rushes to her, and so does his girlfriend.

They help her and make her sit again.

Jacob whispers something to her, but I wasn't able to catch it.

After all, my focus is on her.

The beautiful woman I decided to live for the rest of my life with. The one and only that made my heart beat again.

Even though she's tired right now and she looks devastated because of what I just told her, she's deadly gorgeous.

It's been thirteen days since I last saw her, the day we were in a car accident and I brought her to the hospital. The day I thought I'd lost her forever.

I was losing my mind.

She was everywhere but nowhere at the same time.

Two days before she woke up, I received a call.

One of my best friends was injured and captured by a rival Mafia.

It was William. By the British Mafia.

Since he was he leader of the American Mafia, they've had problems with the British for generations.

But a thing like this has never happened.

It meant one thing only: war.

And we were all glad to fight for William.

So I decided to have a meeting with each one of my friends: Quinn, Anastasia and Ezra.

My Mafia working once again with the Russian, the French and the Greek. And of course, William's men were under our commands since their leader was taken.

We were elaborating a plan, when Jacob called me.

flashback of the phone call

"Ciao fratello." I reply as I exit the meeting's room, excusing myself.

("Hi brother.")

"Si è svegliata." He says, happy and excited like a little kid.

("She woke up.")

My heart instantly stopped beating and then started beating again. She's able to do that to me.

My beautiful wife is okay. She's awake.

"Sapevo che si sarebbe svegliata. Non si sarebbe mai arresa così facilmente." I say and he chuckles.

("I knew she'd wake up. She would've never given up so easily.")

We exchange a few more words and then hang up.

It feels like my life has a meaning again.

But I have to make things right for William.

And I can't risk losing Violet in the process.

I hate making hard decisions, goddamit.

end of flashback of the phone call

I didn't sleep at night. Knowing she was finally up but I weren't there with her. For her.

What did she think of me? Did she call me a monster? A sick bastard? A piece of shit?

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