✧*̥˚ Dinner *̥˚✧

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Joel drops me off at the front of my home and promises to come by later for dinner. I fumble with my keys as I balance the bag of groceries in my arms.

Once inside, I empty the contents of my pockets onto the bar and make my way around to the kitchen to quickly unpack all the boxes labeled 'dishware.' I gather all my groceries together and pre-heat the oven.

Even though I don't care about impressing Joel with my cooking, I still would like my first meal at home to be delicious and memorable. Cooking is my passion, and it used to be the way I would show my love to my friends and family.

I had an hour or so until Joel would be by, which gave me plenty of time to begin braising my chicken. Later, I would start working on a mushroom risotto and some roasted asparagus. I pull on my kitty apron and begin.

I start by lightly frying the chicken breast and braising it in white wine, garlic, and a sprig of rosemary. I place the lid on the pan and let that simmer while I start prepping the mushroom risotto and asparagus.

Just as the oven timer goes off, I hear a knock at the door. I yell towards the door, "It's open!"

I hear Joel's heavy steps in the entryway. He makes his way to the kitchen carrying a basket of vintage red wine, a bottle of D'asti white wine, as well as a bottle of Rosé and a couple of crystal wine glasses.

I spin around and mentally note just how sexy this man is. His hair has been lightly slicked back with a few stray hairs lying on his forhead. He is wearing denim jeans and a matching button-up long sleeve shirt. I look down at my stained kitty apron and curse myself for not having looked more presentable.

He looks at me sheepishly, "I wasn't sure what your wine preference is, so I brought a few options."

I smile with gratitude, "Thank you Joel, that's really nice. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to get me drunk." I wink at him.

My attempt at light-hearted flirting backfires when I see Joel's eyes flash in what I assume is confusion.

"I-i just meant.." I stutter with embarrassment.

"It's okay darlin', you're more than welcome to get drunk on my watch," Joel says slyly.

Fuck. He's good at saying things that kick off my debauched imagination. I clear my throat and try to suppress my vivid fantasies. "Please, sit," I gesture towards the bar stools, "Let me fix our plates while you pour some of that D'asti." I smirk and nod towards the basket of wine. "Thanks again for that, I definitely needed a few spirits to lift mine."

He nods and begins pouring the wine into the crystalline glasses.

I bring our plates around to the bar and sit down next to him. The food smells delicious, but all I can focus on is his scent. He smells like pine and sandalwood, and I drink in his scent before saying, "I hope you enjoy."

Joel looks down at his perfectly manicured plate and peers at me in astonishment before turning back and sampling my chicken. He is a man of few words, apparently. I don't mind though, he has a very calm demeanor that radiates with a quiet but sexy confidence.

I watch him taste a little bit of everything on his plate before asking, "Do you like it?"

He looks at me with those dark brown eyes and smiles, his crows feet crinkle together at the edges of eyes, just how I imagined they would. "It's delicious, Kes. You're a brilliant cook, kiddo."

I smile in triumph. We sit in comfortable silence while we finish up our dinner and drinks. I stand to take our plates to the sink when he places his hand on my wrist and peers up at me, "Let me get that for you, sweetheart. It's the least I can do after such a delicious meal."

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