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"I say we go tonight." Cove looked at her tall friend, her head tilting as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Tonight?" Neil nodded his head with a grin on his face as the bell rang, telling them it was time to go to class.

"Where's this cave he's talking about?" The tall Perry boy looked at the other tall boy, telling him it was beyond the stream. "That's miles."

"Sounds boring to me."

"So, then stay here." Charlie nodded in agreement, telling the boy not to go.

"You two know how many de-merits we're talking?" Cove and Charlie rolled their eyes as Cameron continued to ramble.

"So don't come, please."

"No one wants you there anyways, Cameron."

"Look, all I'm saying is that we have to be careful, we can't get caught." The Overstreet girl facepalmed, shaking her head as she wondered how someone could be so stupid.

"No shit, Sherlock." Cameron glared at the two best friends, quickly growing tired of their commentary.

"You boys there, hurry up." Cove rolled her eyes as she uncrossed her arms, throwing them up in the air. Charlie gently squeezed her waist, letting her know to calm herself down a bit.

"We have to get to class, Neil. You guys can stay and chat but if I get in trouble for the smallest thing, I could get kicked out." Neil looked from Hager to Cove, sighing as he placed his hands on his hips.

"We'll take the blame, Cove, it's okay. All right, who's in?"

"Come on Neil, Hager's right-" Neil shook his head as Cove kept turning to look at Hager, who looked mad that the boys and Cove were still standing there. Charlie saw the girls worried expression, moving his hand from her waist to her shoulder, pulling her closer.

"Forget Hager, no. Who's in?" Charlie looked at the girl beside him and then to Neil, nodding his head.

"I'm in." Cove sighed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Me too. That means all of you have to too." Hager yelled at the group again, shouting out another warning. Cameron nodded his head, telling them he was too. "There goes any chance of fun I'll get to have." The Cameron boy glared at Cove, only to receive a glare in return from Charlie and Knox. No matter what Knox said, he would always protect Cove. Wether someone did or said something stupid, Knox would always be there for his twin.

"I don't know, Neil." The brunette girl looked at the boy in confusion as Charlie tried to encourage him to go.

"His grades are hurting, Charlie."

"Forget it Pitts, you're coming. Meeks, are your grades hurting too?" Meeks shook his head, a soft grin on his face as he shrugged, telling the group he'd try anything once.

"I'll try anything once."

"Except sex." Cove used the back of her hand to slap Charlie's chest, making him apologize quietly.

"I mean as long as we're careful." The girl looked at Cameron like he was stupid as the group of teens made their way into a building. Charlie let go of Cove, telling her that he would catch up before turning to Knox.

"What about you Knox?" The boy sighed, shrugging his shoulders as Charlie stopped in front of him. "Your sister's going, Knoxious. You're kind of obligated."

"I don't know, Charlie. Plus, you're going so I'm not as obligated to go because I know you'll take care of her." Charlie nodded in agreement, knowing everything his best friend said was true.

"Come on, Knox, it'll help you get Chris." Knox's brows raised in question, his head slightly tilting, asking the boy in front of him. "Women swoon." Charlie laughed before running inside as Knox chased after him.

"But why do they swoon? Charlie, tell me why they swoon. Charlie!"

"Ask your sister, Knoxious!"


The boys and Cove gathered around one of the tables in the library with a map laid out on it.

"Okay, follow the stream to the waterfall. It's right there. It's got to be on the banks." Cameron looked at the map for a moment, hissing as he shook his head.

"I don't know, it's starting to sound dangerous." Cove and Charlie looked at each other, chuckling when they realized they had the same look on their faces.

"Well, why don't you stay home?"

"Yeah, Cameron, we don't want you at the meetings anyways." From across the library, Mr. McAllister hushed them, telling the group to shut up and sit down. The boys standing up sat back down as Cove looked towards the other table, seeing Todd all by himself. "I'm gonna go see if Todd's coming." The boys nod their heads as Charlie removes his hand from her waist, letting her get up from her seat to walk towards the other table. "Hi Todd, are you coming tonight?"

"No." Cove furrowed her brows, confused as to why the boy wasn't going.

"Why not? I thought we were all friends now? Do we make you uncomfortable or something? Is it the boys? Look, I know Charlie and Knox can be a lot sometimes and Cameron's a real ass but I'll tell them to calm it down." Todd softly chuckled, shaking his head at the girl in front of him.

"No, it's just that Keating said that everybody took turns reading and I don't want to do that." The brunette nodded in understanding

"It's okay. We can find something else for you. I know what it's like. New people and all. I mean, I am the only girl here." The Anderson boy watched as Cove stood up, asking her what she was doing. "I'm going to tell the boys that you're coming and that you don't have to read."

"That's not how it works." The Overstreet girl looked at the sitting boy, a smile on her face.

"Who cares if that's how it works or not? There also weren't any girls in the society before me but you don't see me or the guys caring. It's okay, Todd. You gotta learn that change is perfectly fine sometimes."

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