Chapter - 4

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First of all guys thanks to them. Who comment and give me inspiration to write more💋❤️❤️

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Dimitri is shocked, can be understand. His eyes shows amusement, His little fairy Kitten isn't even scared of him. She is angry with him because he didn't attend her birthday and also because she was jealous of her friend for having a brother. And her cute rumbling was so cute that he can hear her 24/7.

He asked her " Aren't you are scared of me?"

Valtina frown and answered " Why will I? You are my brother, you will protect me nor hurt me , yeah! you are bad for not meeting me before but you are brother. Why should I get scared of my own brother?"

Dimitri feel somehow satisfaction through her words though she said he is bad which he is but she didn't
have to know it.

Dimitri smirk and pull her to his lap, she gasp at the sudden movement.

He hum in response of her answer.

And asked " hn.... Why were you scared alone?"

He wanted to ask it, when she said she was scared alone here before.

Valtina pout and answer after making herself comfortable in Dimitri 's lap

"I am scared of darkness. Here the rooms are very dark with no lights and fans, many mosquitoes didn't even let me sleep in the night they bite me all night"

Moretti brothers clenched their jaws in anger with one thought in their mind.

' How dare they? They let her sleep in which type of room? Didn't they knew she is a Moretti?'

Even Antonio and Felix is angry. Felix is Antonio 's spirit personality he is more dangerous than Antonio.

Dimitri is shaking in anger. He sure had want to hate her but who can hurt this angel. She is an angel who have 5 devil brothers.

But before he could ask something more,

Valtina look at others and asked "What are your names?"

Gonzalo smiled a little and answer "Hello sweety, I am Gonzalo James"

Valtina smiled and waved at him " Hii Jammy"

Gonzalo 's lips twitched at his nickname.

Ricco next said rudely " Ricco Celeb. And stay away from me."

Valtina quickly replied curiously " Why do you have STD?"

Ricco 's eyes widen at her words.

Whereas Ricci brust into laughter. Gonzalo is smiling in amusement. Whereas Dimitri smirk at Ricco face.

Ricci said " You are amazing Doll. I am Ricci Satan, Ricco 's twin. And from now on you are my Doll"

His last sentence makes his brothers shocked, they throught

'doll? What he wants from her?'

Antonio was silent as usual.

Valtina asked Antonio " And you... Mister silent? What should I call you?"

Antonio look at her and replied Coldly

" I am Antonio Felix, stay as far as away from me and don't come in my personal space "

Valtina exclaimed excitedly " You have a personal space Tony. Did your personal solar system too... there?"

Completely ignoring his first sentence.

Antonio blankly stared at her in disbelief , whereas Ricci and Ricco is snickering looking at Antonio 's face.

Dimitri never in his life was that much amuse. He cleared his throat and said

"Let's go"


First of all sorry for the grammatical mistakes 🙏🙏

Please guys vote and comment and also follow me🙏


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What do you think about Dimitri 's amusement?

What do you think about Valtina's cute replies?

What do you think about Valtina being scared of Darkness?

What do you think about her starting a new life?

If you want something to suggest. I am always here🥰🥰

See you in next chapter...... Till than toodles ❤️💋💋

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