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S E O - Y E O N

"Leave me, please leave me

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"Leave me, please leave me." The pain in my neck is unbearable, he's literally biting me, looking away from the person on me, I saw another man standing not so far away, he was naked. The person on me stood up and went towards the naked person, tears were brimming my eyes. Slowly they started coming near me with a white cloth, I tried moving from my place but all in vain, I tried shouting but it's like someone is pressing his hands on my mouth.

Coming towards me they kept that cloth on me and everything went black. I can't see anything. Suddenly a bright light came in front of me, and I saw mom standing there. I tried going towards her but my both hands are held by those men, one of them was still naked. My every struggle to get out of there hands was futile. Mom looked disappointed.

"You're such a whore Seo-yeon, it's good that I gave you to Jungkook. Otherwise you would have been a black spot on our name!" She said looking at me with disgust. No, no mom. I'm not a whore, I swear I didn't wanted any of this, please don't be disgusted by your daughter. I wanted to say this but nothing came out. My tears kept flowing but it didn't affect her. Mom, please. I didn't want this.

"You're such a disgrace to our family Seo-yeon!! I never thought that my angel would do something like this. Shame on you!!" Dad, no please!! Don't say that. I can feel myself sinking in guilt. I'm sorry, I'm such a bad daughter! Sorry.

"It's good that Jungkook took you as his personal doctor, atleast our hospital doesn't have to face the consequences." Jiwoo said, Jiwoo, you know me so well, how can you say that? You know I won't do any of this! Jiwoo hear me out please. My mouth was sealed shut. Only tears were pouring from my eyes. Please believe me. I never wanted this!!

"How could you do this Seo-yeon? You're such a slut. First you made out with me, then left me for Jungkook and then slutting around with these men. Don't show me your face ever again!" Min-jun, please understand me. I would never do this. Why can't you all believe me? I never wanted this. I hate it!! I hate there touch on me! I hate there lips on me!! Why can't you all understand!!? I'm not like this. Just then I felt like I was being dragged, I looked back to see those men dragging me and my parents, jiwoo and Min-jun just stood there, there faces held disgust. No!! Help me, help me please!!!!

I woke up with a jerk, breathing heavily. A pain shoot up in my head, holding my head I remembered all those events from last night. I teared up but didn't let them slide. I'm in Junglook's room, I remember this room, it has a big mirror behind the bed. But I'm to scared to look back, what if I look in the mirror and feel disgusted by myself? No Seo-yeon, it wasn't your fault, it wasn't.

Standing up from the bed, I finally looked back, but not at myself, I looked at my feet. My feets were dirty, slowly moving up I saw dark purple and black bruises on my shin bone area. Then my gaze went to my thighs, I can feel that person's touch on my skin, hand prints were embedded on my thighs. This time I let my tears free, they fell like waterfalls. Moving more up, I was still wearing the torn shirt from last night, it wasn't even covering my thighs now.

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