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He tapped his fingers on the glass table. His glasses set low on his perfectly carved nose, hiding his honey brown eyes.

His gaze was fixed on the paper in front of him. White shirt hugged his arms and chest. The sleeves were rolled at his elbows.

He rarely wore his suit jacket in the office.

"You can leave you know. I don't need you standing there." He raised his gaze to me.

"Oh, I was just wondering, if the paper is done okay." I played with the hem of my blazer.

"Yes. It's good." Mr. Hyde said with a stern voice.

Even if the work was not done well, he would never criticize me. I got to learn throughout the years that Mr. Hyde was very calm and collected. He never raised his voice at me.

At least not yet.

I hope he never does. Like it was not enough that I had anxiety going to work every day, I didn't need him yelling at me as well.

Nodding, I left the office and retreated to my seat. I went through the emails and Mr. Hyde's schedule. Because it was end of the year we had more work, but thankfully I was finishing today.

There were a bunch of documents to be examined and signed by him.

He followed a special rule, where I had to schedule every single stuff. Even checking and signing papers.

I couldn't just go into his office and bring them to him. No, that was not now things were done here. Only if he asked me to do so.

And that made my job even more stressful. He even had a specific time of when to drink his coffee. If I was even a minute late, he would not accept it.

He was a difficult man. But like I said, very calm and respectful, so that was a plus.

The sound of a phone ringing reached my ears. "Yes, Mr. Hyde?" I answered.

"Can you bring me tea, please." His voice echoed through the phone speaker.

"Yes, of course. I'll bring it in a minute." I stood up and went to the small kitchen to make tea. It was rare that he would want to drink it.

It was usually when he was stressed or had a headache. I assume he was stressed because of the work he had to do these days. He was always overworking himself.

I poured the boiled water in the the mug and placed the chamomile bag inside.

I put the mug on a tray and added a half spoonful of honey.

With the tray in my hand, I knocked on his office door. I heard his voice and entered.

"Here, sir." Placing the tea on his desk, I asked. "There are some documents that have to be checked and signed. When should I schedule them?"

"The end of the next week." He started typing on his computer. His dark brown hair was falling over his forehead. It was getting longer these days. I guess he didn't really had much time to go to a hairstylist.

He never kept his hair long.

It was always short. Sometimes in a buzzcut, but that was rare.

Remembering what he said, I answered. "But that's 31st December. It's New Year's." Without looking away from the computer, he said.

"And? I'll be working, it doesn't matter what day it is." Of course he was working. When was he not?

He was the first one to be here and the last one to leave. Did he even go to his house? I had no idea.

"Okay." As long as I didn't have to work as well. My family already planned a dinner. My aunts were also visiting.

We were going to gather at my grandparent's house. It was our tradition to be together every holiday.

I left the office and went on with my work.


It was time to go home. My favorite part of the day.

I packed my stuff and called Mr. Hyde to tell him that I'm leaving. Taking my coat and bag, I exited the building.

The ground was covered with snow and fairy lights decorated the streets.

I took a deep breath and smiled. It was wonderful. Even though I wasn't the biggest fan of the cold weather, I loved the atmosphere.

My car was parked near a small shop, so before leaving, I had a time to go and buy some ingredients to make dinner.

After buying a couple of things at the store, I went to my car and placed the bags on the back seat.

The drive home was peaceful. More peaceful because it was last day at work for this year. I had one week vacation and I planned to spend it to the fullest.

Which meant sleeping, eating, resting and sleeping.

As I entered the apartment, Lexi my cat, jumped in front of me.

"Hii, baby." I picked her up and hugged her close to my chest. She just meowed and snuggled in my neck.

I live in a small but cozy apartment. It has one bedroom with big windows, an open living room with a kitchen and a tiny room where I have my 'home office'.

The walls of the living room are painted in white but are covered with photo frames and small paintings that I usually buy at the thrift store whenever I go there.

I placed my stuff on the sofa and went to the kitchen. I put the ingredients in the fridge.

After I did that, I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

Because I was feeling good and joyful with vacation spirit, I took some extra time in making the dinner. And extra time for eating it.

I sighed and laid on the sofa.

"Finally some free time, Lexi." I was in a need for some vacation. Working with Mr. Hyde was usually exhausting.

He was workaholic. Sometimes I felt bad for him. He spent his whole time in the office. I've never seen him out of the building.

Did he even have a social life? What about his family? Either way that was none of my business.

Tonight I was going to lie in bed, watch movies and eat snacks.


I woke up. Half lying on the sofa, half on the floor. My back and neck were hurting. Ugh, what a way to start my day.

I hear Lexi meowing, scratching the door of the bathroom.

I guess it was time to get up. So I did. I opened the door for her and went inside the bathroom myself. I did my business and after that prepared breakfast.

Just as I finished with my breakfast, I heard the phone ring.

"Heyy, Aimee!" It was my best friend Evelin.

"Hi, Eve!"

"Do you have time? We could go and grab a coffee." She asked.

"Yes, of course." We agreed where we'll meet, said our goodbye and I hung up.

I dressed up in the warmest clothes I had and went to meet Evelin.

And this is the first look into my new book FOR YOU.

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