Dinner Maybe? - Chapter 3

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"Sit down Lex and I'll be with you shortly" he said in a calm professional voice.

"O-ok" I said kinda nervous and sat down in the far back of the room and laid my head down on the table.

I don't how long it's been but I fell asleep accidentally and when I woke up the class was empty. I look around and saw no one so I got up to leave but suddenly a "Ahem" could be heard and I looked back. Once I did I remember everything and why I was here.

He was standing in the back of the class leaning back on the wall looking so handsome. His eyes were staring at me intently watching me while I nervously wave to him.

"So kitten, how was your little nap huh?" He asked me.

"It was ok Mr. David" I told him and smiled trying to hide the feeling of nervousness I'm feeling right now.

"Mr. David?" He asked me raising an eyebrow and then chuckling.  "Alrighty then we'll leave that be for the time being. So, you never told me you go to this university"

"Of course I didn't. I met you in the FUCKING  internet and we didn't even talk we just basically call fuck each other!" I said kind of bitchy because I'm still tired and he's being stupid kind off.

"First of all kitten, lose that attitude. I still remember this mornings little incident, and if you continue, I swear you won't be too happy about it. Second we didn't call fuck. But I can fuck you right now if you want." He said seeming very calm. Warily calm.

"Oh yeah? Then fuck me right now!" I said not knowing where the hell this confidence is coming from.

"As you please kitten" he growled and began stalking to me like a predator hunting it's prey.

He looks so dominating and hot right now. I swear. But looking at him right now I just realized what I said and suddenly my brain started working again.

"Wa-wait." I said.

"What is it kitten? Didn't you say you wanted to get fucked by me right now in this classroom?" He said in a mocking tone.

"N-no. I didn't." I said hoping I could gaslight him and make him forget.

"Lying to me are we now kitten" he said raising his eyebrows and crossing his arm.

"I'm nott" I said just hoping he would believe me.

"Mhm sure, come here and sit down" he said walking to a table and pointing to the chair. When he said that his voice was back to being calm which is very scary might I add.

I sat down on the chair and he dragged another and sat opposite of me.

"So Lex, do you want to have an in real life dom/sub relationship with me?" He asked me and to be honest I really want to have one with him.

Last night was one of the best orgasms I've had and that was through a video call with him. Imagine what it will feel like with his fingers and cock. Damnnnn. I'm getting turned on just thinking about it again.

"Uhmm. Ur a teacher tho. My teacher." I said because as much as I want him to be my master, he still is my teacher and although that's not really against the rules, it'll be kinda weird.

"So?" He replied unbothered that he is my teacher. "I'm just your substitute not your actual teacher".

"Hmmm. That is true." I said thinking kinda hard. He's not wrong and I really want a master.

"How about we'll start slow and see how this works out." He said.

"Ok" I said kinda unsure but I do know I want this.

"Good. When are you free Lex?" He asked me.

"Im free tonight" I told him.

"Alright dinner tonight at 7 don't be late. I'll text you the details" he said smiling.

"Okay" I responded happily not being able to wait for the dinner.

Once finished I said bye and went home thinking about what I'll wear later and what will happen. I'm so excited, I can't wait for tonight.

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