Chapter 6: Party Pooper/Pleaser? Part 2

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Note on how to read this:

*: for locations and time
": Titles of the person, Remarks
~: Flashbacks
^: Notes
() : Inside talks (basically mind talks), giving some side info and meanings
|: Characterization (the characters or places origin in a kind of narration) but also shows more info about a specific frame, reward, contract, or to what the mc and other characters writing in their book and some information.
': Narration
°: emotions the person has when talking
{}: sound effects

That is all hope you enjoy reading💗

Also, the name of the author:
Madam Tophat✨️


~Previously in Chapter 5~

Butler: It's about young master Kevin! He is currently sparring with the king's son kaisen!

Hert: What!?

King and Hert's Wife:!!!

~End of Preview~

Hert: What do you mean by that?!

King: Hert!

Hert: .....I'm sorry my lord...

King: Where are they fighting now?

Butler: In the training ground your majesty...

King: Alright then let's go shall we?

Maria: Of course.

'The 3 stand up and walk out heading towards the training ground praying that things didn't get worse.'


*Bachiler's Training Ground*

'The fight began with Kevin aggressively swinging his sword while kaisen is constantly dodging them.'

'The audience watched in awe from the fight they are seeing as if it was like they're watching a movie.'

Fancy lady 1: Look at Kevin, he's trying so hard to hit Kaisen...

Fancy Lady 2: Of course, he should be after all that boy is easily dodging the strikes.

Fancy Man 1: Hmm.... seems like Kaisen is scared to get hit °joking°

Fancy Man 2: For real °laughs°

'Sounds of gossip filled the audience room as Keith is sitting there nervous.'

Keith: (Kevin why do you keep missing?)

Kevin: (Sh*t, Sh*t, Sh*t! No matter how much I try to hit him, he just keeps dodging like a jellyfish!)

'As Kevin was struggling while kaisen is calm for some reason.'

Kaisen: (This is normal if you learn how to dodge that is-).

|The dodging art that kaisen is mentioning is Aikido Martial Arts where the vital part of this art is that you constantly have to dodge attacks. This martial technique comes from the real world and he learned it by chance in high school when he was watching his P.E. teacher perform aikido in his class.|

'As the fight goes on longer, Kevin starts to get even annoyed yet tired.'

Kevin: Tch... You coward! Stop dodging!

'Kevin's anger can be felt by the audience for how kaisen keeps dodging the slashes.'

'Kaisen then stops and said.'

Kaisen: Alright then...

'Kaisen then prepares a weird position that even Kevin doesn't know.'

'Kaisen's posture was straight while the sword points directly to Kevin and suddenly.'

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