Chapter 115- 116

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  Chapter 115 Naming

  Fu Yun'an was carrying a basket with several kinds of food in it, all of which were common but exquisite, and must have been bought in a good restaurant.

  After dinner, Mu Qiong was really hungry after working so long. He took a duck leg with sauce and ate it, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

  "You're welcome." Fu Yun'an said, "Are you going home? I'll go with you."

  Mu Qiong didn't refuse, they were on the way, he couldn't disagree.

  And if he disagrees, Fu Yun'an may be sad.

  When they arrived at the entrance of the orphanage, Zhu Wanwan and Mu Changyu happened to come out of the orphanage, and the four of them walked home together.

  Mu Qiong had been thinking about "Contagion" and was a little lost in thought. Fu Yun'an asked, "What are you thinking about?"

  "It's nothing, but today I saw the news of the war in the West, and I feel very complicated." Mu Qiong said, and said something else casually: "I don't know what happened to Boss Chen's son."

  "There's been a war over there recently, and it's hard to find out a lot of things, but I've asked someone I know to help find him..." Fu Yun'an's voice was apologetic.

  Seeing him like this, Mu Qiong felt even more embarrassed. Unknowingly, he already owed Fu Yun'an a lot of favors...

  When they reached the door of the house, they separated.

  When Fu Yun'an returned home, the lights in Fu Huai'an's room were still on.

  Probably because he heard the noise, Fu Huai'an came out of the room: "Brother, the new monthly education magazine is on the market, have you read it?"

  "Look." Fu Yun'an said, he was in a good mood at the moment, and added: "The story you translated is very good."

  Fu Huai'an immediately became complacent, pretending to be modest: "It's just like that, but it's actually not that good."

  If Huo Ying was here, he would definitely be hit, but Fu Yun'an was very friendly to him when Fu Huai'an was out of the way: "It's already very good, keep working hard."

  Fu Huai'an became even happier, and said again: "Brother, I want to buy a few more copies and send them back..."

  "You can ask Sun Dalin to do it tomorrow." Fu Yun'an agreed.

  Sun Dalin bought a lot of educational monthly magazines and had nowhere to go, so I'll send them back tomorrow in the name of Fu Huai'an.

  After Fu Yun'an returned to his bedroom, he opened today's Dazhong Daily and read "Wandering Notes" on it.

  He did read the Education Monthly, but in fact he simply flipped through it and didn't read it carefully. After all, there were no articles written by Mu Qiong on it.

  But he wanted to watch "The Wandering Notes", so that he wouldn't be able to pick up the conversation with Mu Qiong in the future.

  He's been very busy lately, so it's kind of a pastime.

  It was rare for Fu Yun'an to go to bed early that day, and the next day, he got up on time again.

  A few days ago, Fu Huai'an was called up early in the morning just to use Fu Huai'an's mouth to walk with Mu Qiong and the others logically, but now that Mu Qiong and the others are used to walking with him, there is no need to call Fu Huai'an anymore. woke up.

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