Chapter 6 - Kelna's Surprise

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"I need answers," said Cal. "One of the few people who's ever been able to give me answers is Professor Kelna.

Cal stood, grabbed his pack and looked at Ghost. "Could you show me the way out please, I need to visit an old friend."

Ghost smiled and gestured to a tunnel leading away from the central hub. "If we go this way it'll take you straight to the main transport system. Let's go."

It was as they were leaving the Community that Cal noticed the maintenance bot. It hung, spider-like on a wall as they exited the underground lair of the Ghost and his friends.

"Ghost," he whispered, pointing.

His companion held up the whining jamming device. "Don't worry, we have a little time. Those things don't tend to take much notice of us at the best of times." He paused and proffered a hand to Cal who shook it. "Good luck Cal, and don't forget to use your brain, it's a formidable weapon."

Ghost opened a door and ushered Cal through. "Turn right at the end and you'll find yourself near the transport hub near the entrance to the Falls. Your pod will be there waiting. We'll be following your progress." As the whine of the device faded, Ghost gave an enigmatic smile, and the door closed leaving Cal alone.


Cal hesitated with his hand raised. The door to Kelna's apartment was the same as the others in the corridor, although located in one corner. The only difference in appearance was an old fashioned door knocker. The hideous face of a gargoyle beamed grossly at Cal from the otherwise plain surface and he smiled, memories of many visits as a child crowding his mind. Kelna had always been a little different. Taking a deep breath he grasped the knocker rather than pushing the button of the intercom, and smacked it solidly against the door.


He waited a few minutes and tried the intercom. Again, nothing. Getting frustrated, he asked the apartment to leave Kelna a message and sank down to the floor, his back against the door.

Groaning in frustration, he clenched his fists and silently shouted Kelna, I need you. Where are you? in the depths of his mind.

The door behind him opened abruptly, and he tumbled backward in surprise, landing flat on his back and sprawling unceremoniously at the feet of his old mentor. Kelna's face was still grumpy, even upside down, and Cal scrambled to his feet.

"Inside, now," hissed Kelna, and ushered Cal inside. As Cal turned to face his old professor, the man grabbed him by the chin and looked deep into his eyes. "How long have you been able to project your thoughts like that? What else can you do?"

Cal pushed the man's hand away from his face and straightened up, smiling broadly. "Nice to see you too, Professor, it's been a while."

"Has it? Seems like only yesterday. Welcome to the perils of getting old, boy." Kelna walked away muttering and waving his hands, his hair standing out at odd angles from his head. He whirled around abruptly. "Are you going to answer me, Cal? You know I don't like an unanswered question."

"I've only recently learned to communicate without using direct Mind link, and in the last few days since Helena died I've been able to move things with my mind."

Kelna stopped pacing, his intense look of concentration tinged with sadness. "Helena has passed on?"

Cal nodded mutely, tears forming in his eyes and with two quick strides Kelna was there, enveloping him in a hug as Cal broke down. When Cal regained control of his raging emotions, Kelna sat him down on a chair, and it was then that Cal noticed the bag on the old man's bed.

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