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Ch 17: Blake

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Even though we had first set out at the crack of dawn, it was almost midday when we arrived back at the cabin. After dropping Jada off, I heated up a quick meal of canned soup for Vorian and me before we got ready to head out again. Filling up a canister of water, I packed some more canned soup, a first-aid kit, a leftover honey bun from my convenience store raid, and a few knives in my duffel bag, just in case. Though I was determined to return to the city before nightfall, I wanted to be prepared for the worst.

Which, with my luck these past few days, would not be surprising. I thought darkly, shoving another knife in my duffel bag for good measure. When that was done, I zipped up my bag and slung it over my shoulder. With one last glance at my mirror, I straightened my black trench coat before going back downstairs. As expected, Vorian stood beside the front door, waiting for me.

"Ready?" I called to Vorian as I approached. He straightened at the sound of my voice, quickly turning his head to regard me.

"Yes," He answered, his eyes running over the guns still strapped to my thighs and the duffel bag I now had on my shoulder.

"Just some supplies, the city is unpredictable, and you never know when you'll need to find a place to hide for a bit," I explained with a shrug, answering his unspoken question.

Vorian's eyebrows rose. "Is it really that dangerous?"

I toyed with the breather I had pulled down to hang loosely around my neck. "Yeah, it really is," I answered, not bothering to go into detail. It was pointless. He would see for himself soon enough.

"Off already?" Jada called as she came around the corner, walking over to meet us at the door. I noticed that she seemed slower than usual as she approached us, making her stiff stride more prominent.

Today must have taken a toll on her, I thought, clenching my jaw at the ache that began in my chest.

I didn't want to leave her alone again so soon, but this was her idea. Besides, if I told her I was worried, she would only get angry. Like me, Jada was tough and refused to accept anyone's pity. Especially mine.

"Yeah, I want to be back before dark," I replied, hiding my true motive to return early. Even though Jada would never admit it, I could see the relief cross her face.

Slipping my breather over my face once more, I placed my hand on the doorknob, glancing back at Jada one more time.

"Please be safe," Jada said softly, her soft smile turning sad as she stepped toward me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"You too," I said after a moment, returning the gesture to place my hand on her shoulder. It was a silent goodbye, and a promise to return soon.

Though Jada and I had our fair share of fights, she still meant the world to me. She was all I had left in this wasteland of a home, and though I hated to admit it, I would do anything for her.

Even escorting an alien, I thought dryly, casting a glance over at Vorian who watched us curiously.

Clearing my throat, I released Jada and she did the same. Giving her one final nod goodbye, I turned to Vorian, "Let's go."

He immediately followed me out the door.

Vorian activated his face shield as we left and I turned back to see Jada lock the door behind us, waving at us through the window. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Vorian's eyes were also on Jada. My gaze fell on him, watching as he tilted his head curiously before copying her action and waving back.

I sighed, looking away as I shook my head.

I didn't understand him at all. I mean, he said that he was some kind of commander so he clearly had military experience of some sort, but his mannerisms suggested differently. He was so trusting, and for what? He could have easily taken his blaster and shot me, or forced me to do his bidding like anyone here would, but he didn't. It just didn't make any sense. He didn't make any sense.

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