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Detective Gomez
December 9,2019
Crime Scene

Showing my badge, "Detective Gomez." Walking under the tape.

"Hey Detective! I called cause we found this in the victim's purse." Officer Poole pointed over to where the purse was.

Walking over there, "Did they have any ID or something to figure out who she is?" Asking.

Shaking her head, "No but we did find your card hidden in the zipper." Handing me the card.

Looking at it, "Okay. And where is the witness who found her?" Giving back to her.

Pointing to a woman in distress, "Right over there." Nodding my head.

"Thanks." Walking away.

I walked across to where she was. I could tell she was shaken up so I have to approach with caution.

Walking up to her, "Hi I am Detective Gomez." Sticking my hand out to shake her hand.

Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, "Hi...uhmm is the girl alright?" Asking me.

"I haven't gotten an update on her as of now but I just came to ask a couple of more questions." Sitting next to her. "Only if it's okay with you." I said.

Nodding her head, "Of course...anything to help."

"Is this your normal hiking trail?" Asking.

Petting her dog, "Yes. I come here almost everyday with Milo."

"Before entering the trail did you see any suspicious cars or people around?" Asking.

Shaking her head, "No." She said.

I continued to ask her questions to see what all she could give me. It wasn't much so I had to let her go. I went to the hospital to collect some evidence to bring to the lab and possibly talk to her doctor.

"Morning...I am Detective Gomez and I am here to collect the evidence from Jane Doe." Talking to the nurse.

Typing on her computer, "Yes...Doctor Mills told me you were be coming." Getting up.

She grabbed a huge bag and headed it to me, "Thanks." Grabbing it. "Is there anything possible way for me to talk to Doctor Mills by chance?" Asking.

Making an unsure face, "You may have to try either later on today or tomorrow morning." She said.

"Okay...thanks again!" I said.

I picked up the bag and walked out to my car. I drove to the station to drop off this evidence to the lab and asked to be put on the case. My captain let me cause it might linked to one of my old cases so I reviewed the case. And from the looks of I just know it is going to be a long day.

•A Couple Of Days Later•

"Detective Gomez..." A lab tech ran me down.

Fixing my coat, "Yes." Turning around.

"Here is the DNA results from your victim." Handing me a paper.

Reading the results, "The name is a Mr.Anthony but our victim is female." Confused. "Are you sure you ran the right DNA swab?" Questioning.

Nodding his head, "Yes your victim wasn't in CODIS so I ran the sample again to see if she might her a relative in CODIS. And BOOM I got a hit that led me to Mr.Higgins. So it is possibly that she is a daughter or granddaughter." He said.

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