Chapter Nine

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"Oh come on, it will be fun, I need some cheering"

Korran pleads to you as he drags you with him to see him train.

You see you don't mind seeing the avatar train, but what you mind is meeting his water-bending master.

Who you are pretty sure is Katara.

And if Katara sees you, you are pretty sure that this is going to cause a big confusion.

"I'm really tired, maybe some other time, Korran" you try to convince the boy.

But, instead of listening, he only grabs your waist and throws you over his shoulder, causing you to gasp in shock.

"Let me down" you exclaim, but Korran only chuckles at you.

"No, you said you are tired, so I will just have to carry you all the way there" you sigh, tired to argue.

"You know I'm not a sack of potatoes to be held like that" you tease him.

"You are right!"

Suddenly Korran adjusts your position so that instead, he is holding you in a bridal style.

"That's better, am I correct?"

Your face heats up, feeling his toned arms on your waist, and his breath hitting your face.

When you arrive at the location where Katara is waiting for Korran, you try to hide your face.

He lets you down as he turns to speak to his water-bending teacher.

You quickly hide your face under your hoodie cape, which helps in hiding half of your face.

"Who is your friend, Korran?" Katara asks, staring directly at you.

"That's (Y/n)" he introduces making you start becoming nervous.

Katara is surprised to hear the familiar name but keeps calm.

"(Y/n), you have the name of an old friend of mine" you chuckle nervously.

"Yes, my parents liked the avatar and his friends, so my mother named me after the guider" you lie, changing a bit of your tone so it is unrecognizable.

Katara nods at you, seeming to buy the lie.

"Why don't you show me your face, child?"

Korran notices you getting nervous, so he comes to your rescue.

"Oh, Katara, (Y/n) is too shy to show her face... um... Because she has a scar, yes,  she has a scar on her face and is shy to show it"

He lies, and you back him up on his lie.

"Yes, he is right"

"Oh, you poor child, there is nothing to be shy about, maybe I could heal you-" you cut her off.

"I'm good, thank you, I will just watch Korran train while I sit nearby"


While watching Korran and Katara train, you start dozing off.

You try keeping your eyes open as long as you can, but sleep takes over.

And before you know it, you lose consciousness.

Korran and Katara don't notice your disappearance until they stop and take a break.

"...was my performance too bad during training that she left?"

Katara only smiles at him before answering.



"Mei, did you say she appeared out of nowhere?"

"Yes, and I found her laying unconscious" the said firebender explains to his friend with a bored look on his face.

"Should we wake her up?"  Ty Lee asks, poking your side as if to make sure you are alive.

"Don't you think I already tried that?" 

Azulan rolls his eyes and walks over to where you're laying on the bed.

"You clearly didn't use the right force to wake her up" Azulan says, smirking slightly at your unmoving state.

"Which is?" Mei inquires with a bit of sarcasm.

"This is the right way to wake a lady up"

Azulan heats his hand before slapping it across your face.

You wake up in an instant and start crying out in pain.

Your pained screams are so loud that it echoes through the palace and reaches the ears of Zuko and the Firelord.

ᴍɪss Aɪʀʙᴇɴᴅᴇʀ༄ Dᴀʀᴋ! ATLA/LOK ᴠᴀʀɪᴏᴜs Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant